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ლ from my childhood to yours ლ


"Darcine stop, i'm not kidding" i cry out in defeat as i race towards the gem, but i fall face flat into to ice with a teary face from the fear,

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"Darcine stop, i'm not kidding" i cry out in defeat as i race towards the gem, but i fall face flat into to ice with a teary face from the fear,

"ELLIEROSE!" darcine speaks in a loud voice jumping up from his position and gliding towards me way more graceful than a swan, he should start paying up for all this complements,

he's lucky i-

"are you okay, ellierose can you hear me ?" he asks me frightened as i'm immediately pulled into his embrace and i feel the pain leave slowly

"it feels better" i speak after a short moment and i slowly and sadly pull away,

he hums

"you made it feel better"

i said that with so much admiration i wonder what on earth he did to make me feel this way and i look up to him my eyes glittering from my former tears,

"you look better now, no more tears" he speaks with a smile and i immediately gasp in fear as blood leaks out of his nose

i can't help but fear his safety and i immediately get off his lap and pull his face in so i could view it closer and i say

"losy it's bleeding, you-you're nose, i-is your-are you okay ?" i ask in fear, he's never been sick before, losy's never been this injured, even to a little bleed and i immediately start trembling

he grunts

"i'll drop you off at your mum's place, and i noticed how he stopped calling it home a few months ago, he knew it wasn't my home ♥

i love him, i mean people love their family right but why don't have any good feelings when i think of her ?

i wish she made me love her

if only

i felt hurt, for some reason i felt hurt but not for some reason, his a right and true reason,

he's my happiness, happiness in it's true form, i love him

i wish he was my only family


"i'm sorry i spoilt the fun" he spoke into the silence as we float over my bed snuggling into the blanket

"i'm sorry i did" and i speak before he could reply,

"where is it ?" i speak and he pulls his hand out of his jeans and brought out the red ruby and i squeak a little in delight as i hurriedly take it and he lowers us instinctively and i hop of towards my bedside and i quickly pull out my journal with a smile,

i lost my gem, a fake gem embezzled into the book cover but he got me a red ruby and the most funnest and loveliest fact is it's real!

i love him so much and i couldn't resist but accept it, i wish i could take every single gift he gave me but he knows my mum would wonder, once he got me a red ruby encrusted bracelet and my mum found out and i regretted accepting it, my mum found out and she wasn't happy,

i've never disobeyed her and been that good girl she didn't raise me up to be but the one time i had something nice she accused ne of stealing it, i didn't really understand much till she stated it was definitely real, i hadn't found out that partat that time and losy said i could hide it from her and i accepted it,

i was so embarrassed that day from all the names i was called, he worked hard to make me feel better, i was so angry i didn't regard his feelings

i tossed the bracelet right at his face in anger and he would have been seriously hurt if he didn't catch it

i was taking out the anger on lost boy, i shouldn't have

he forgave what i did instantly and said he'd keep it safe for me to wear one day, that was one of the first nights he left early and it hurt

i could barely sleep that night just drowning myself in tears, i wasn't that sad because the next morning i saw him sitting at my little homework area helping me with my assignment as he promised, i should have apologized that instant and i did only to be interrupted, he just smiled and looked at me with love and said

"i forgive you because i was never angry with you because i shouldn't have gotten you such a present,i definitely believe you didn't mean it" and since that day i promised myself, never to get mad at losy, i hope i keep that promise

he could get tired of me, no getting mad he deserves better anyway

i love him and what made my heart melt was him saying those words

'i love you'

i love lost boy ♡



Who else loves our lost boy ?


Like the jewelry ?

should i make a cierra childhood pov ?

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should i make a cierra childhood pov ?

should i make a cierra childhood pov ?

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lost boy <The duesette Series>Where stories live. Discover now