Chapter 11

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Honestly the longest chapter tbh.

     I woke up early the next morning, same position as the night before. I stretch and groan, popping a few bones.

Jeff jolts up, now straddling my hips. I Can feel my face heating up as he rolls off me and groans loudly. "Sorry if I woke you," I say, lifting my mask to wipe my eyes. "Mmm, it's okay," he groans. "I have to get a shower before breakfast, then we have a small amount of free time before lunch, and then about four hours before I need to start getting ready for the party." I say, smiling widely at my plan. "You got this all planned out, don't you Janey," he jokes. "I'm about to get my shower so you leave, 'Kay?"

"Sure," he nods, leaning towards me. He lifts my mask, pressing a small kiss on the side of my mouth. He pulled away and I stood to walk over to my drawer and my closet to grab the clothes I need. I left my room and headed into the bathroom.

I quickly turned on the shower, letting it heat up and turned on my playlist. I take off my wig and then my clothes, having left my mask in my room. I hop into the shower, hissing at the heat and quickly turning down the temp.

I quickly finish my shower and jump out. I dry myself off and put on a pair of black jeans and a tight black shirt. I put my wig back on, fixing it up into a low bun. I brush my teeth and leave the bathroom, running into my room to grab my mask. I grab my jacket and throw it on. I leave my room and hop down the stairs.

I reach the dining room and sit in my seat. Slender passes around everyone's food and then sits at the end of the table. "Everyone excited for tonight?" Slender asks. Most of them nod or cheer happily. "Good, now I hope you all show up and are decently dressed." Slender sounds happy and content. I quickly eat breakfast as everyone else talks loudly. "Seven-thirty, right?" Jeff says from beside me. I nod and put my fork down.

When people finish they either go to their rooms or somewhere else. I stand and head into the living room. I hop onto the couch beside Nina on, her boyfriend, EJ's lap. "Oh, Jane, you haven't met my boyfriend yet? Have you? Jack, this is Jane, the girl who told me it was a good idea to tell you I liked you." Nina smiles as she introduces us. "Oh, yeah i know. Jeff talked about you nonstop before you came."

Good or bad?

"Oh, uhm, it was nice to meet you, Jack." He nods and looks back at the TV. I get on my phone, watching TikTok to keep me occupied. Jeff comes over and dabs up EJ before sitting beside me. He puts his arm over the back of the couch, right behind me.

That slick son of a bitch.

I roll my eyes and look back at my phone.

Clockwork comes up behind me and pats my shoulder. I turn around and she leans down to whisper in my ear. "We're gonna get dressed together, like us girls, do you think we could in your room?"


"Mkay." She stands up and walks over to Zero, who's talking to Nina. I see her speak to Zero and motions to me. Zero nods and smiles. Zero whispers in Nina's ear and Nina nods. "What was that about?" I overhear EJ ask Nina. She whispers to him and he looks at me for a moment before nodding. I sigh and look at my phone. Ten thirty-two. I lean back onto the couch and I can feel Jeff's hand on my shoulder. I turn to him and see him messing on his phone. I sigh and get back onto my phone for another twenty minutes.

I stand and head to my room.

I Can take a nap, right?

I set an alarm for four-thirty and lay down. I have to start getting ready by five. I roll over, laying on my stomach and falling asleep.

{Unexpectedly Expected} [Jane x Jeff]Where stories live. Discover now