Chapter 10

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Sorry for taking so long, been dealing with a breakup.

     I woke up two hours after originally falling asleep. I sit up, lifting my mask to wipe my face. I set my mask back down and stand up.

I let my hair down, brushing it out. The bottles are still out on display from last night. I pick them up, throwing them away. It's about six-thirty.

Jane, you need to stop sleeping so much, you're going to end up missing dinner one day.

I mentally slap myself and leave my room, heading downstairs. I see Slender cooking in the kitchen so I decide to go into the living room. I sit down on the couch getting onto my phone.

The door opened and half the guys came into the house. I turned and seen them all heading upstairs to their rooms.

Ten minutes later I walked into the kitchen and sat down at the dinner table, laying my head down on my arms. "Jane, we still have about ten minutes til dinner," Slender said. "I know, I'm just bored." He left me be and continued cooking.

A few minutes later more people flooded the dining room. Masky grumbles as he sits down. I look up at him and I can see what he's upset about. He still has makeup on his mask. "You might wanna clean your mask."

"It wouldn't come off," he grumbles. "After dinner let me see it." He nods, embarrassed.

Slender began passing everyone's plates and as I get mine, I start eating.

Everyone soon finished and left the room. I stood to leave, and Masky got up as well.

We walked up to my room and I find some makeup wipes in my desk and hold out my hand for his mask. He takes his mask off and hands it to me. I sit in my desk chair and started to carefully remove the makeup from the mask.

The makeup quickly came off and I soon finished. I handed him his mask back to him and I smiled. "Thanks, Jane," he says as he pulls the mask back over his face. "No problem." He walks to my door and opens it to leave. "Oh, hi," he says, stopping in his tracks. Whoever is at the door asks a question and Masky nods. "I was just leaving anyway," he says as he walks out of my room. Jeff pops his head into my room and smiles when he sees me.

"Oh, hello," i say, crossing my arms. He walks in, shutting the door behind him. "What was that about?"

"Why do you care?" I ask, crossing my legs, one over the other. "Just curious," he shrugs as he walks toward me. "He's gay, it's not like anything would've happened," I roll my eyes as he bends down to get eye level with me. "So, you excited for tomorrow?"

"Hmm, sure I am." He chuckles and stands to move to the end of my bed, sitting on the edge closest to me. I swivel my chair to face him. "What do you want?"

"I missed you," he pouts. "Didn't you miss me too?"

"No, actually I had a great time at the tea party."

"You had a tea party without me?" He pouts again, offended he wasn't invited.

"You missed it, Masky had to wear a dress and makeup, that's why he was in here."

Jeff chuckles. "I bet it was hilarious."

"Did you enjoy your day out?"

"God no, I hate it everytime I have to go out and I ain't killing somebody." He scoffs.

I nod and stand up, walking to my closet. It's eight, and I want to be going to bed early soon. "Turn around!" Jeff does as he's told and I change into shorts and my white jacket. "Okay I'm done," I say. He turns to look at me and smiles.

I walk over to my bed and sit down. "What is it?" I say as he moves to sit closer to me. "I'm bored."

"Me too," I grab my TV remote and turn on my TV, flipping through the channels. "Movie?" He nods. "What movie? Hmm?"

"It doesn't matter." I find a random movie and turn it on. I lean back onto my bed to get comfy and Jeff starts to do the same. "Mm mm, you need to shower and change, I'll pause the movie," I cross my arms. He gets up and pouts. "What?" I say as he walks over to stand beside me.

He grabs my chin, forcing me to look up at him. He lifts my mask and pecks me on my lips. I roll my eyes and push him away from me. He laughs as he leaves, shutting the door behind him. I pause the movie, like i said and get on my phone.

Twenty minutes later he walks back in, only wearing sweats. I never really payed attention to the tattoos on his body until now, I've only seen the arm sleeve.

I didn't know he had other tattoos? How'd he even get them with how he looks?

He walks towards the bed and climbs in. He moves over to me and lays his head on my stomach. I put my phone down and unpause the movie. His wet hair dripped onto my jacket. I run my fingers through his hair, stopping it from dripping onto my jacket anymore. I use one of my hair ties to pull his hair into a low ponytail.

He hums lightly, burying his face deeper into my stomach. I giggle and roll my eyes. I turn to put my attention back onto the movie, quickly getting lost in my thoughts.

I grab my phone, quickly putting another song into my phone. The song reminds me of this situation we're in right now. I sigh and look at the man lying on my stomach. Light, muffled snores sound from him, so I assume he's fallen asleep. I maneuver us both to where I'm comfortably lying down and he's still on my stomach, his arms now around my waist. I turn off the TV that was still playing the forgotten movie and quickly fall asleep.

Word count: 1035

Idk why I like him with tats. Also some relationship building with Masky and Jane. I probably won't write 11 today, it's real long and I gotta clean.

Also the song that she added was
Super Psycho Love - by Simon Curtis

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