Chapter 24 - Carolynn Acacia

Start from the beginning


We drove down the 109 as dad looked onward. We passed the Oceana RV Park and I pointed at the upcoming driveway...

"You have an excellent memory, my son!" he smiles. We drove slowly up the driveway as I was filled with unknown uncertainty. At the end of the drive, dad stopped as I jumped out and let Rose out as she jumped around, happy to be back home.

"I'll wait here in the car." he told me, not certain if he could face Aradia once more.

"Give me a minute to see if anyone is home." I commented as Rose and I walked towards the house. It was a strange sensation, like returning home. Rose glanced up at me, whispering, as we were out of father's eavesdropping range.

"Why did you come back?"

"Honestly..." I softly told her "...I do not know! Somehow, I feel that I need to be here." Much to Rose and my surprise, Aradia then opened the door, stepping out. She had sensed both Rose and I nearby.


"Hi Aradia...would it be okay if I stay here for a few hours...until the festival?" I asked her. Aradia nodded, happy to have me back home as her eyes then glanced over at dad sitting all alone in the car. She walked over to him, greeting him.

"Good morning, Stacy." she smiled.

"Good morning, has been a while!" Dad comments "I am so sorry that we are bothering you, he just wanted to come on over."

"Ah, it's no bother." she smiles as she then adds. "He said he needs to go to the festival; I'll be more than happy to drive him into town."

"Oh, you don't have to do that!" he protests.

"It might be a while...seems like he has a lot on his mind."

"I'm truly sorry about your daughter, she was a beautiful angel!" he remarks as Aradia nods. He could sense that the conversation has gone stale "Skylynn, I will see you at the festival?"

"I'll try." I reply. He looked back over at Aradia as he waved goodbye and drove around the loop and leaves as only dust was all that was left.

"Look around, Lynn." Rose comments "Does it look familiar?"

"Oddly...yes." as I looked at the encroaching sword grass, shrubs, and shore pine all forming a privacy barrier.

Aradia comes over as I tried to relax, but being here was like seeing a place for the first time and seeing it for the last time...all the while, calling it home.

"Come inside, I will make some tea." I followed her inside her house as I was invited to sit on the sofa as she boiled some water and glanced over at me "Still like jasmine, sweetie?" I nodded my head.

"I was hoping to talk about something that I am still trying to comprehend." as she collects some cheese and smoked salmon, making a cutlery board.

"What can I help you with, sweetie?"

"The news spoke of a daughter..." she glances over as she pours the tea and added some salt to the water, curious how I will take to it "...Lynn Acacia."

"That would be your name." she answers and hands me a cup "Careful, it's hot."

"The story was revised in a latter publication and corrected that Lynn Acacia was an editor's error."

"That was when I wiped your memory." she commented.

"Anyhow...I did some digging around in the archives and found that that Carolynn Acacia was born July 21st 1993, along with her twin sister, Caitlynn Acacia. Yet...I checked the records for my own birth...and they were not there!" This was what was bothering me "On the 4th of July, I began to notice that my pictures after the age of 13 were being if I was never there!" I gulped as I needed to know the truth "What is happening to me!?"

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