After the U.S.J

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6 was in a hospital bed, his body and face bandaged. Recovery Girl had used her powers on him, and now he was laying in the hospital bed. Reaching his hand up, his head was hurting, bad. The doctor's tried to put him on some pain relievers, but it seems they were not working as well as he hoped they would.

He ran his hand through his hair, it was weird. He could feel his old hair style still even though it was cut. House had asked him to do so, a fresh start, so he had.

"Let's hope I don't need a tourniquet for a while." 6 said to himself.

Looking around, he saw he was in an empty room. Slowly getting up, he clenched his teeth in pain, he looked down at his wrist, his pipboy was still on. Checking his status, he looked down and read

Age: 12
Injured, starved, dehydrated

Shaking his head, he looked back down, double checking that

Age: 35
Limb Condition: weak
Stimpack reserves: 20

6 would take out a stimpack and inject himself, feeling a bit better. He walked over to the window, and he saw a long road, one that was lined with partial sections of buildings, that were starting to collapse. A sign read "The only machine that leaves your clothes Dry and Well", but the only words that remained intact was "Dry" and "Well". Then it shifted, he was looking over a valley, red flares shooting into the sky from his position, images were fading into others.

6 held his head and nearly collapsed, the pain was getting worse. The door opened and she spoke. 6 swung his arm back as he was grabbed, he saw a Legionary, no, a nurse, backing away, scared.

"What did you do to me?!" 6 demanded to know, his eyes shifting, one hand on his head, before he nearly collapsed on the ground.


Sarah was having to pack her armor carefully, remove the fusion core, put it in the Lead sleeve, then each section of the power armor would be packed in the case. She also had to go through her pipboy and hand over every weapon she had, setting it on a rack that the staff had. Unlike nearly everyone else, due to how much she can carry, she had a broom closet turned armory (reinforced by the support corp students) to keep her gear. Finally, power loader flicked through the pipboy for weapons to make sure she didn't have anything.

"Ok, good to go. I'll lock this up." Power Loader said.

Walking away, Sarah looked down, She took out the Tunnel Snakes Jacket, it was real rough now, bullet holes, cuts, it was beaten up bad. Sighing....she walked down the hall, until she exited UA. 

"Hey, Sarah!" Ururaka said, waving as she got close.

Sarah smiled, waving back.

"Hey, Ochaco. What's up?" Sarah asked.

"I just wanted to give you these back." She explained, holding the empty Stimpack needles to her.

Sarah picked them up.

"Thanks. I don't think I can really reuse them. Ummmm, why are you still here? We were let out due to the situation." Sarah explained.

"Oh, I just have to wait for the bus. What about you?" She asked.

"I had to hand over my stuff. No weapons really, also my Ammo." Sarah explained, before Ochaco looked at the leather Jacket.

"OHHHHH! So cool! Is this an actual leather Jacket with a gang logo?! So cool!" She said, her eyes glowing as she looked over the old jacket.

"Yeah. I had a friend give it to me. His mom was attacked by radroaches." Sarah said.

"What's that?" Ochaco asked, "like a giant cockroach?" 

"Yeah, I guess that's what they were called before. Yeah." Sarah walked to the gate, and looked around.

"I am....kind of wondering. Why do you have all that weird stuff. It doesn't look like anything other heroes use." Ochaco asked.

Sarah looked around, nervous, before the bus passed by, they were near the bus stop she needed.

"Oh, sorry to talk and run but that's my bus." Sarah said, using her pass and climbing in.


Valery found herself in a bed. She tried to move, but found she was restricted. Looking around, the room was empty, except she saw domes in the corners. She heard a steady drip, an IV. Looking she saw one in her arm, everything was fuzzy and warm.

"Wha..." Valery said, confused, pulling at the restraint, scared, "What? Where am I?"

"Do not worry. You are safe. Can you tell us your name?" a voice over the intercom asked.

"Valery. I am Valery." She answered.

"How old are you?" 

"30 years old." Valery answered, there was a pause.

"Where were you born?" 

"The New England Commonwealth." 


"November 28th, 2046." Valery answered.

"Who is Eclipse?"

"She....she is a survivor. I can't remember what she does, but she survives." Valery said.

"Why are you fearful of the Reds?" 

"They want to destroy us. They invaded Alaska. We fought back, we had to." Valery said.

"What year do you think it is?" 


More silence. The door opened and she saw a man enter the room, he was big, his red hair seemed to be like fire, was on fire. Then she remembered, she was not in the wasteland, she was in Japan.

"Valery. I expect you can give some answers once your mind clears up. I am needing to know what happened at the USJ." his deep voice said.

"I can try. But.....why am I restrained?" Valery asked.

"You murdered 5 people, and threatened your classmate, calling her a Dragoon." Endeavor said.

Valery was in a daze, but....her mind was quiet.

"The voices are gone....I don't hear Nora or Misty." Valery said.

"And Eclipse?" Endeavor asked.

"Nothing. Can I be freed?" Valery asked.

"Not until the doctors approve of your release. You will remain in their care. And this will give you time to give me answers to who you are exactly." Endeavor said.

NEXT TIME What everyone else who got shifted are doing, then the sports festival.

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