Past and Present

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Misty was asked to help defend the stairs. She used a Laser Musket, firing as a few shots at the villains who came towards them. She was covering the rest as they escaped. She watched as 6 and Aizawa defeated dozens, then 6 engaged the man carrying the sword.

"Imagine how valuable that sword will be when we steal it from his corpse." Eclipse said.

"Not the time, besides, it's too long and we don't have any experience with anything like that." Nora said.

"I think we have bigger issues, the cloud guy vanished." Valery said.

Misty looked around.

"Where'd he go?" Misty asked herself, confused.

After a few more shots, she was surrounded by darkness, and then felt herself falling. It was only for a moment, before she found herself landing on the ground, hard.

"Where am I?" Misty asked, as she looked around confused.

The area was dark, confined, dirt and rocks mixed together, a single area shining in from a hole in the wall, no a door.

"This looks familiar." Valery said, her hands shaking, walking to the door, she was breathing hard, for some reason.

Shadows blocked the light shining inside, Misty could see three figures move in, holding rifles, wearing masks and goggles. They were imposing, villainous, the wind blowing in, the echoes of gunfire and explosions in the background. The cries of others, those who were captured.

"Look what we have here." one said, a chinese accent mixed into his voice.

"No! Get back! Hey! Stop!" Valery said, swinging, punching, her fists passing through the people, as they approached Misty, smiling.

"She's even hot. No reason we can't have fun with her before offing her." the villain said.

Misty crawled backwards, searching for an item, Tire iron axe. It formed in her hand and she swung it at them.

One rushed her, grabbing her arms and pushing her against the wall. One pulled a knife and cut off the straps that held her armor, before the helmet and chest plate were thrown away.  A blade stabbed into the Vault suit and cut it open.

Her uniform torn, her heart raced, fear, bad, very bad, not again! She couldn't survive it again if it happened.

"GET OFF OF ME! GET BACK YOU BASTARDS!" Valery screamed as she found herself back, in a dark place in her life.

She was back in the trenches in Yangtze front. It was overrun in an assault, and she was trapped in the over run trenches. She was found, and they used her, she would have welcomed death's arrival, but she was saved, the face of Nate flashed in her mind.

"Get away from her!" His voice echoed in her mind, before Misty looked and saw Eclipse, holding a hand out. Misty reached out and grabbed it, before Misty was pulled out of the body. Nora, Valery had vanished, retreated deep into their mind.

"Let me." Eclipse stated.

Valery, Nora and Misty began to retreat deep into their own subconscious, the stress and fear had given Eclipse the strength and adrenaline she needed to take control without the use of Psycho. And Just like how she initially broke away and formed, Eclipse would once more come out to bear a burden none others could.

A punch to her face refocused her, the villains smirked, as they undid their belts, and took licked their lips, seeing her not reacting.

"Let's have our fun with her." the voices were layered to her.

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