Adjusting to change

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Valery was sitting in a testing room, on the table, was a hit of Mentats, Jet, Psycho and a Stimpack. She was being watched by several members of the Agency.

" want to me tell you about these do, or what?" Valery asked, looking up at a window, where she saw her "Caretaker" due to her for some reason being half her age that she remembered, according to her Pipboy.

"We would like to know what each does, and why you had them when you arrived." Endeavor stated.

Valery looked down, her hand moving to the edge of the tray. 

"Ok, so Psycho....It is a combat chem, think of adrenaline and painkillers, it's the crazies favorite chem of raiders." Nora said, nervous as she looked at it, "It also....ummm, brings out a version of me known as don't want to meet her." Valery explained, setting it down.

Her hand moved over the Jet canister.

"This is makes everything.....floaty, messes with the head....That's Misty...she is care free." Valery explained, looking before she put it to her lips and pressed down, inhaling. Her eyes went wide and she leaned her head back, flipping her head forward and her hair seemed to curl.

"Hey.....ummm, what's up? Can I be let out? I want to see the city, It looks so cool, please I want to go and try some food and see the movies." Misty explained.

"Not until you explain the effects of the drugs." Endeavor demanded.

"Fine, jeez....Why can't I have fun?" Misty asked.

"So, Mentats, the smart pills, pop a tab, pop one in and enjoy the heightened intelligence." Misty popped the pill and ate it, before she leaned her head back, her hands rubbing over her face, sliding back and her her eyes shrank, focusing and looking up.

"Greetings,  My name if Nora, now if you want to ask questions, I am the best one to ask, however, I would request I be let out of this box, it's rather idiotic to treat me like a weapon waiting to go off." Nora explained, looking up at the window.

"Explain the last substance." Endeavor stated.

"The Stimpack is a medical innovation that has allowed the healing of injuries in seconds rather than days. Over all it is one of the best creations that could be transferred from my own reality to this drastically different one." Nora explained.

Nora approached the door.

"If you open the door, I will be much more cooperative." Nora explained, her hands behind her back as she looked towards the window.

Endeavor would open the door and stand in the way.

"Now, I hope you will be answering my questions." He said.

"Just as I hope you do the same, I do have many questions forming in my head due to what I have observed." Nora answered

Endeavor growled a bit, looking down at Nora, standing nearly 1/2 a foot taller than her, narrowed his eyes.

"Fine, but this does not mean you are free to do as you please." He stated, walking away from the door.

"I expected that would be the case. Now, What is it you seek to learn?" Nora asked.

"Where did you come from?" He questioned first.

"A 3 fold answer. The first, where I could say in your universe, the United States is a close parallel. The truth of where I was, The Commonwealth Wasteland 180 odd years in the future. The honest truth, a parallel world that greatly changed from your own, if I saw looks nothing like this one." Nora explained, following behind the large hero. 

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