The Issue of Origin

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Misty was smiling, picking a gummy bear from a bag and eating it, while she listened to music, sliding her finger over a tablet as she read a recent article, she was laying across a couch in the Endeavor Agency. This was surprisingly the most effective way to keep track of her, movies, games and music, Endeavor was annoyed, perhaps it was worse considering the general, as she wasn't really able to do any real work, well, any that require focus on a single long task.

"Hey, Enji? What's UA? I see it referenced a lot with heroes who are popular. Is it some sort of club or something?" Misty asked, setting the tablet down and lowering her headphones.

"It's the high school for the best students to go to if they want to be heroes. It was where I graduated from before entering into heroics." Endeavor explained.

"Cool. I remember the time I went to a school. Shot a guy named Bosco, loon who thought he was a bear." Misty said.

"When was this and why are you not in jail for such an action?!" Endeavor shouted.

"Cause it was in the wasteland, the bastard was a raider." Misty said.

Endeavor debated if she was telling the truth. As his eyes narrowed, looking at her, it was calm and had slipped the headphones back on.

"Oh cool, someone wrote a story about you and the number 3 hero Hawks." Misty said, tapping the screen and reading, before her face slowly turned red, and she looked at Endeavor.

He decided to play along, see how dedicated he was to this idea of her being from a wasteland.

"Where was this Wasteland?" He asked.

"It was in the commonwealth, I guess you'd know it as the US, ummmm, Boston, if you need to know the city." Misty said.

"What made the area a wasteland?" the hero asked.

"Radiation, no form of government outside of the settlements, oh, also the fact that there were packs of raiders, ghouls and mutated menaces such as the wildlife." Misty stated.

Fair number of details, but something about that sincerity was fine.

"I assume the drugs you have are from the wasteland. Do you think you can remake them?" Endeavor asked, curious.

"I'd need a chemistry station, plus some it's probably less than legal at this time, I think. Besides, me using them is probably against against the law." Misty explained.

"Well, I can make the ones I use. I learned to make them from Hancock. Jet, Psycho, Stimpacks and Mentats, I can see if I can have Nora make a list." Misty said

She looked at Endeavor, who was now debating his stance. Perhaps he should...keep her close, as a sidekick, that would be a rather useful skill, and the potential for the control of stimpacks, that could make him a number one hero.

"I'll see if some paperwork can be put through to make you a sidekick, and enter you you into UA, you could make a decent rival for my son, Shoto." Endeavor stated.

"Nah, I'm not competitive, Eclipse is, Val is kind of...I think. I don't know really." Misty explained.

"What caused your.....formation?" Endeavor asked.

"Oh? I was coping....when.....Nate was killed, and being stuck in the vault.....I think. Valery needed someone to talk to and....I was the first." Misty said.

"I take it Eclipse came from after you escaped, and needed to fight." Endeavor asked.

"Yeah....Nora came out when Valery was depressed, bad. She tried to OD. Nora was the only thing that saved her, a subconscious will to live, and learn. She fully formed, once we started to help people in the commonwealth rebuild.

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