Beautiful Storm Chapter 1

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Nichole's Pov
Beep beep. I looked out to see if D was outside and she was. Man I will be so very glad when my car gets out of the shop. I walked outside and locked the door behind me. The good thing is that D and I work across the street from each other. Im an interior designer, I own my own business while Deniece works for Janet Jackson as her personal assistant. What would I give just to be her assistant for a day,I absolutely love her! Deniece and I have been besties since 10th grade. While I was the soft spoken nerdy girl, D was the hotheaded party girl. Honestly I have no clue how she graduated? She partied so much in highschool and definitely in college.
'' Girl, that outfit is a hella cute." She says as I ease my way into the front seat.
"You like, I bought it last week actually." I shop a lot, its a stress reliever. I love love love shopping ,especially with D. She's the one who has gotten me hook to such a habit.
"So, how was your blind date last night?" She asked while peering a me looking at text messages.
"Horrible, the dude was a straight scrub. Girl do you know this fool didnt even pay for dinner?" I say giving my full attention to her. D is always setting me up with blind dates from hell. She has done this since my fiance, Teddy and I broke up 2 years ago. That was the worst break up of my life. We were together for 8 years and I loved the hell out of him. We broke up because I found him sleeping with an employee of mine ,in my bed one night. That was the most devasting thing that has ever happened to me. Since that night I'd vowed that I would probably never love again, that is until Deniece got involved in my love life. She became my match maker and has been ever since.
"Well thats okay girlie because I got a better one for you."
"Mmm where have I heard that one before." I say sarcastically looking back at my phone.
" Come on now, I'm serious pooh hes a hotty pototty." She assures,
"And, whats your point?Hell half of all these ridculous dates have been hottie pototties as you say." She straight faces me something terrible and turned her eyes back to the road. There was awkward silence between us for a good 6 seconds."Still, he's different he's' a doctor. His name is Brian Howard, and girl when I say sexy as hell, I do mean sexy as hell. Oh and his credit score is the bomb digity." I bust out laughing and so did she.
We pulled up to a parking spot and we both got out the car. "Yeah okay, 8 o clock I'll be waiting for this foolishness." I say preparing to cross the street.
" Good, oh and wear that red dress you bought." She suggest.
" Yea whatever girl have a good day bye." I say.
"Yeah you too , pooh I'll call you on my lunch."

Deniece's POV
(Lunch break)

I mean damn Im tired as hell. oh Janny Jan dont be playing,I swear. A bitch is exhausted. She had 3 meeting, the phones been ringing off the hook, and she been having me run errand like a chicken with head cut off.
She walks out of her office to my desk," Listen my brother is coming her for lunch I need you to run and pick up some food." She says. I looked at her , giving my ''What the fuck you talking bout face?'' See me and Jan real tight, of course she aint Nicky but out of a lot of ppl she comes closest.
"Why that face D?" I rolled my eyes , grabbed a scrap sheet of paper to jot down their orders.
"Janet what the hell you want to eat?" She straight faced and leaned on the counter.
"Get us some sushi.'' I immediately bust out laughing.
"Girl you know damn well, Michael don't want no damn sushi, that nigga want some KFC.''
'' Why does he have to be a nigga? She asked smirking, trying to hold back her own laughter.
" Girl chill, first of all, you black and I'm black and that nigga black, where I come from nigga is a term of love.'' She shook her head and walked away chuckling to herself.
'' One of these days I'm gonna fire your ghetto ass." She says laughing to herself.
"Janet , please I been working her since we got out of college. I was here when this beautiful establishment wasn't nothing but a store front. You need me."
"Just go get my damn food Deniece!" She shouted from her office.

Janet be having me so fucked up I swear fore m&m's.Fire me,nigga yeah right.
Let me go call my girl really quick. I sat down in my chair, propped my feet up on the desk and chilled ,dialing Nicky.
"Hey pooh ,what you doing?"
"Trying to decide which pattern should go with my new collection. What you doing?"
''Girl, sitting dealing with Janet's ole bossy ass.
"I heard that!" Janet shouts from her office.
"Oh I'm scared the fuck." I shout back.
"One of these days you are gonna get fired D." Nicky laughs.
"Girl bye, Janet know better.Anyway what we eating?"
"Mmm I have a taste for a hot dog."
"I know you do. You've been having that same craving since Teddy." Catching on to my humor, she smacks her lips.
"Whatever, no but for real I want some pizza."she answers.
"Alright, meet me at the the car in 5."Janet begins to walk out her office again heading to my desk. I hang up the phone and turn my attention to her.
"Listen Michael will be here for two weeks, we are walking on a new song and a few other things. I need you to book him a hotel and make sure anything else he needs is taken care of. " she demands and I simply stare blankly off into space on purpose.
"Deniece I'm serious now!''
"Okay boss lady damn, but first I need to eat hell you working me like a Hebrew slave."I get up and walk to the elevator.
"And don't forget my damn food!''

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