"Oh love, I would but, I have the third chapter of my book to draft. I need to work on that"

"Awe, bummer! Wait, are you already on chapter three? That was quick. When can I read it?"

"yeah I'm in a zone, you can't read it just yet. Let me work on it a bit more, I want to archive Hollywood material, I want this to be my second movie. It has to be perfect like my muse"  Fantasia said pulling hair off her wife's face, she blushed, Assuming she was the muse.
"Well alright. If you put it that way, then... I will wait. Be productive, since Rosey will be in Mexico, no one will be in your way"

Fantasia kissed her. "damn straight, no one is gonna stop me"
Penda left and after two hours Fantasia took her wife and Rosey to the airport. Then she picked Penda up from her apartment.

She hopped in the passenger's seat.
"Hey, Daddy!"
"Hey, Mummy. You look hot" They shared a kiss
They arrived got in the mansion and shut all doors.

Fantasia tossed her keys looking at Penda's butt cheeks showing under her short skirt.
Penda melted, biting her fingernails,
"You still want a title?"
Penda turned excitedly. "yes please daddy"
"you are officially my mistress Penda, didn't plan for this to get so serious. But we are here."
Penda jumped into her arms. She caught her and balanced, she was now getting used to a flying girlfriend.
Penda kissed her.
"you still want to learn my prison Technics?"

Fantasia took her to the couch. Stripped her naked while kissing her whole body. She was kissing her so hard, she was marking her, leaving a trace of hickeys everywhere on her body.
They both were naked. Fantasia continued kissing her while rubbing her pussy, making her dripping wet.

All Penda could do was breathe, moan a little then breathe, she just breathed, her body being introduced to all things beautiful it never felt before. Fantasia crossed their legs together, making their pussy lips kiss. Penda breathed hard. She started grinding on her pussy, "Feel that!?"
"shit I feel that, Daddy"
She kept grinding. "so Penda are you officially a lesbian woman now?"

"I'm so fucking gay for you Fantasia. Oh, baby you fucking me so fucking good, uh-huh" she breathed, eyes rolling to the back of her head,

"yes, your pussy feels so fucking good on my wet cunt, fuck it, Daddy, fuck me uh,!"

Fantasia increased the speed, "Yes yes fuck yes Daddy... Oh fuck that's why I love you, shit daddy I love you, daddy I love you, daddy I love-- uhhhhjh shit! "
Penda said cumming, they shared a glance. "so this, this is what you did in prison?" Penda was trying to catch her breath. "Mostly yes, you like?"

"I love you," Penda said. She was aware Fantasia never said those words back.
"So, you wanted to show me your moves?" Fantasia ignored that L-word situation. Penda swallowed hard.

"Uh, yeah, I Bought some toys, my husband was not home a lot, so I brought a bunch, gave them names, they and I had fun, kept me sane," Penda said.
"hmm, I would love to meet them," Fantasia said smiling. Penda faked a smile.

"Pen, come on baby, you wanna ruin our only chance together without sneaking around with the L, word?"
"I've been saying the words... So many times, not once have I ever heard you respond to them, or say them back... Why Fantasia, don't you love me?"

"I don't just say the words. To me, it is a big deal. Penda, I like you, a lot, a freaking lot. But that's that so far, nothing more, nothing less" Fantasia said. Penda looked down.

"Do you love her?" Penda asked.  "My wife? Yes, Penda, I Love Bonnie"
Penda chuckled tears running out, she couldn't control them, they had a mind of their own.
Ready to embarrass her.

"Every time I hear you say those words... It is always a sentence that ends with her name or her title. I love Bonnie, or I love my wife. Meanwhile, I've deluded myself into thinking one day it's gonna be, I love you. You, mean me, you, me Penda. But it's always Bonnie, my wife Bonnie, my wife this that fuck that fucking shit hell I'm somebody's wife too" Penda said in one bit, not breathing, not swallowing, Fantasia didn't know what to do with all the emotions in the room.

"Take me home," Penda said sniffling and snorting. "No!" Fantasia said in a commanding tone. Penda looked at her and stood up. "I would like to be alone in my room, feeling sorry for myself," Penda said picking her clothes on the floor.
She went to the Maid's room and locked the door.
Sobbed, feeling sorry for herself for real.

Following morning
Penda woke up and tried making pancakes for the both of them. She was still salty but tried not to dwell on the sadness.  She felt hands hugging her figure tight.
"Morning. I'm sorry about last night. And I realized I don't like it when you are mad at me. I had a horrible night!" Fantasia said. Penda turned.
"It's okay, I shouldn't be making this absurd interaction into a decent relationship it is clearly not, that was stupid on my end. So I apologize"

"I don't know if you really apologizing or insulting me but, I will take it so to top this absurd interaction, I got you this" Fantasia pulled the car keys.
Penda swallowed hard, jaw hanging. Fantasia took her hand outside, Penda gasped, looking at a brand new golden N, Mini Cooper, red, convertible, she loved red cars.
"Cute, portable just like you," Fantasia said. Penda screamed jumping up and down. Like, this was her first car, her heart was full. She wrapped her hands around Fantasia's shoulders
"Thank you, thank you. Am I allowed to drive here in it?".
"It's your car, you can't keep taking a cab, that must be tiring".

"Thank you, daddy. Now come with me, I made breakfast"
"you not taking me for a first spin?" Fantasia asked handing the keys. Penda smiled and snatched the key. "come on, sugar daddy, buckle up"
They went for a ride, singing together to music on the radio. They realized they had a lot more in common than they realized. Smiling at each other, holding hands. Hair blown in the wind.
Then made a U-turn. Driving calmly back home.
"Do you like to read?"
Fantasia asked. "if it's romantic and sex and corny ass relationships, maybe toxic a bit, I'm there,.. I read one of your books, you are nasty by the way"
Fantasia chuckled. "haven't you seen that in person already? Cut me some slack"

"I loved it, it made me horny as fuck though. I had to pleasure myself a couple of times before I got to the end"

"Well, I have a new book. Few drafts, and I need an honest opinion. You just read and write down side notes and then I can improve my draft, make a draft 2"

"I would love to do that baby. I would love to be helpful especially because you take good care of me"
"you have no idea how much pleasure I get from taking care of you it is indeed a pleasure"
Penda smiled.

"Awe, Fantasia I love - - - this muthafucking car!" She saved it real quick. Fantasia chuckled. "And I love your chuckles, they make me hot, it is sexy how you chuckle.
Fantasia blushed.

"Shit! I made Tasia thee Freaking Fantasia Barrino, the hard-core daddy blush? I'm good yes! "
Penda said making a victory fist. Fantasia chuckled hard.
"You crack me up. Thank you for being in my life Penda".
"It is definitely a pleasure Daddy" They shared a kiss. "Thank you for the car, I love it"
Penda whispered. "Enjoy it and think of me when you drive it"
"I'm always thinking of you. Everywhere, anything. I'm hooked like a junky, and you are my crack"
Fantasia burst into a peak of laughter.


Just realized all my titles so far, begin with *The*. The fact that I didn't plan that...

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