[Reader + Dragonscale's Gang] Won't waste away in heaven

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Pairing: Flower Mantis Beastial Reader + Dragonscale's Gang {PLATONIC}
Tropes: Found Family, fluff
Additional: Reader is middle school aged
Requested by: NightshadeIsEpik

[A/N]: i literally hate using genius for getting lyrics but it's the only place i can get lyrics for girls rituals songs and black dresses songs

"Hey- Wait for me-!"

That's the last thing you remember yelling to your previous survival group as you ran the opposite way of a screeching infected object.

...Now where the hell were you??


As you had walked down an abandoned street, you thought about how much you hated your previous survival group, and how they had just left you after encountering an infected object. They had always been assholes, but you'd never think they'd leave a CHILD out to die! Jeez!

As you walked through center ring, you could hear screams throughout the city, which... let's be honest, you had gotten used to. Looking up, you saw some smoke... a fire most likely.

You turned the corner and saw something... glowing orange? Walking closer, you noticed it was actually a fire, well there's the source of the smoke you saw. Once you got close enough you could see it was a bunch of cars piled on an infected object and was burning, well that explains the screaming as well...

Surrounding the burning cars and infected object, which was honestly causing a sickening smell, you saw a small gang of objects, who were all laughing at the burning creature. One of them, who you assumed to be the leader, was flying above the fire, and her had to have been the loudest. She noticed you and flew down to you, still hovering above the air.

"Hey kid, enjoying the show?"

You nervously stayed quiet, she looked strong. And scary. She could probably kill you if she really wanted to, being a flower object, you weren't exactly the... well... strongest.

"Hm." She looked down at you, and chuckled, her toothy smile making her look a bit nicer. "You seem weak. And alone. Wanna come with us? We could use an extra set of hands, even if you don't seem like the fighting type"

Huh. You thought for a bit, nervous, you did need a new survival group, you would definitely die if you didn't take up this offer, you hadn't seen anyone else around where you were in Center Ring, so you made your decision.

"Sur-" But before you could even finish your answer, you were picked up by a larger hominid jar, and began getting dragged away. Huh.


"If you're gonna be apart of our little group, you gotta be able to do something!" You heard the leader say to you as you all walked back to their base, which you could see a flag a bit away.

"What can you do, hm? You're clearly too weak to fight and defend us! So, what is it? How much can you hold? Can you make plans? Can y-"

"Calm down, Dragonscale, they're clearly young. Besides, it's not like Stylus and Dagger do much." PB said to her as she continued to hold you.

"Hey-!" You heard an object behind you bark out.

"She's not exactly wrong, you two don't do much." an orange object in the corner of your eye said in reply.

Their conversation slowly faded out as you felt yourself get tired... jeez, you haven't slept in a while, and all the running you had to do today didn't help at all...

As you felt yourself slowly falling asleep, you heard the conversation die down...


When you woke up, you realized you were in a room with Dagger and Stylus, and on a small mattress with some pillows and blankets, and saw a small note.

"welcome to the group -DS"

[A/N]: im sorry i didn't know what to do for the ending 💔💔💔

Words: 649 (holy moly!!!!!)

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