[Comet x Wagyu] I'm so sorry I'm here

147 2 4

Pairing Comet x Wagyu
Tropes : Fluff, angst, unhappy ending
Warnings : minor gore
Requested by : nobody this is for just really self-indulgent

[A/N : This was gonna be fluff but I decided fuck it y'all are getting angst]


Wagyu had been staying with Comet for the last week, he had run out of the rings in search of someplace safe... Which he did, and he had been with Comet.

The two had gotten a bit close, and although Comet couldn't tell if the love she felt was platonic or romantic, she had decided to try out a relationship with the high society member.

The two were so happy together, they had slept next to each other, and Wagyu thought it was nice that the woman was able to protect herself, and was able to protect and care for him as well...

Comet was busy making stew for the two of them with a rabbit she had found that had come in from Outer Ring and was watching the stew cook, as she saw Wagyu come out from the tent the two slept in.

"Huh, you're finally awake now..?"

"Yeah..." Wagyu said as he rubbed his eyes tiredly...

"Alright, I'm making us some stew..." Comet quietly mumbled.

As the two ate and went back into the tent, Comet noticed something... odd...

There was a small bug, to which she quickly shooed away.

But it only got more odd, Comet tried to ignore how those bugs would just randomly appear, and she'd always shoo before they got too close... and her dear Wagyu was also staring at the wall randomly... not doing anything...


One day, she and Wagyu were just sitting next to each other, talking, and it had turned into Wagyu venting about his feelings...

"Th- They tricked me! They made me go outside and locked me out there!"

"Sh... it's alright..." Comet replied as she rubbed his hand.

"T-Those stupid center ring traitors, those-!" Wagyu got worked up and grabbed a ceramic bowl and threw it outside the tent, to which his arm made a horrid, disgusting tearing and cracking sound as it warped, holes appearing from his arm.

Comet jumped back, horrified... what... what the hell just happened?!

Wagyu held onto his arm, crying in pain...

"A-Ah... shit... D-Did I pull something-?"

Comet just stared, terrified... she remembered how Wagyu spoke of infected objects back in Center Ring... was... was he infected..? He did say about how he encountered some... and he's been acting weird...

"C..Comet? Are you ok? You look scared..." Wagyu spoke as he reached for her, to which she backed away, causing confusion in Wagyu


Comet thought for a second, and then looked at him, before saying one word and one word only.



"I said leave. I don't want to ask again."


Comet pulled out one of her daggers and pointed at him, causing him to jump back.

"Comet, I don't under-"

"Just... leave..." Comet didn't seem angry... if anything she seemed hurt...

Wagyu just looked around, before sighing and walking out of the tent, mumbling a small 'sorry' as he left.

Comet just sighed, dropping her dagger and as he walked away, she began crying, wiping her eyes... she just lost someone she had actually cared about...

[A/N : ]

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