Chapter 4

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Next Morning

Y/n woke up and felt a sting pain through her head. She groaned and rubbed her eyes to get a clear vision. She realised that she was half naked.

"Wtf happened last night?"

Thinking about last night her heart started beating faster and she got blurry flashbacks. Her cheeks turned pink when she realised what she had done last night.

She rolled on her bed out of shame.

Y/n: Ahh!!! Why did I drank so much?!!

She shot her head up when she heard someone knocking on the door. Her heart thumped thinking the boy from the previous night was on the door.

She bit her lips and got up.

??: Mam we have got you clothes.

She opened the door and peeped her head out to see a club worker lady with a bag.
She took the bag in her hands and quickly closed the door after thanking her.

She opened the bag and saw cargo pants with an oversized tee. There was a note.

"Hey hun! Do you remember yesterday's night? Here is my number 987062**** I hope to receive your message."

"Did I just put myself in a trouble?"

I wore the clothes he gave me and put my dress in the bag before heading out of the club.

"I am going to sue those aliens!!!"

Jungkook's POV

I woke up pretty early. I saw her snoring cutely making me chuckle and I couldn't help myself but peck her nose gently before heading out. First I bought random clothes from the nearby store and told the worker lady to give it to her.

After that I drove to my dorm.
As soon I entered in Jimin and taehyung looked up at me.

Jimin: This is the first time you slept with your night stand!

I glared at him.

Jungkook: It wasn't a night stand. I just got drank too much and slept there taking a room.

Jimin hyung made an O with his lips digesting my words.

Taehyung: But I clearly remember you dragging a girl in front of my eyes!

Jimin: Now you are lying to us!!

Jungkook: Aish! Fine! I did slept with a girl but that doesn't means I had one night stand with her.

Both of them smirked.

Taehyung: I didn't saw her face. Who was she?

Jungkook: I.... Don't know.

Jimin: How good was she?

Taehyung: what made you sleep with her for the night?

Jungkook: Stop! I didn't do anything with her. She was drunk... And moreover I just dragged her bcz she was stumbling upon people. As I told you I was drunk too so I slept there.

Before they could ask further, I grabbed my towel to hop in the shower.

Y/n's POV
I was late for my classes, I took my steps fast.

"Those bishes are going to pay!"
"They can't stay away for too long"

I entered in the class and ran to my seat before the teacher could turn behind from the whiteboard.

Rosè: Why are u so late?

She whispered to me.

I pinched her thigh very hard that she screamed and the whole class turned to our direction.

One of his girlsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن