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[pic is of Kyle]

Chapter 23: Third Person POV

~ Six Months Later ~

It was mid October and the weather was getting colder. A cold breeze passed through Niall's slightly ajar window making him shiver. He awoke with a groan knowing he wouldn't be able to go back to sleep with cold wafting in his room. So he got up and shut the window making sure to lock it so he wouldn't have to get up again. He didn't remember why it was open but was too tired to question it.

His California King bed and blanket greeted him once more with warmth, lulling him back to sleep. He was almost fully out when he felt his bed his bed dip and skinny arms wrap around his waist. He felt a warm breath hit his bare chest and a content sigh escape their lips.

Niall cracked open his eyes and was met with dirty blond hair sticking in all directions and tickling his nose. He scrunched his nose and tried blowing the hair from his face. A giggle emitted from the dirty blondes lips and Niall was met with striking blue eyes. Niall couldn't help the fond smile that appeared on his face as he listened to Kyle's cute laughter. It was contagious and Niall chuckled along. Looks like he won't be going back to sleep.

"Good morning," Kyle greeted, leaning up to peck Niall on the lips. It was a kiss that meant nothing to either one of them. You see, Niall and Kyle were only friends. Friends that occasionally kissed, cuddled, or sometimes relieved one another when they felt horny. They never went as far as actually "doing it". No, they only got handy with each other but it was enough for both of them.

They had met one night when Niall was feeling exceptionally sad. It was a month after the accident and Niall was still recovering. He had learned that Jasper was already seeing someone else from Luke after being caught leaking near their house.

Since he had gotten back to London, Niall was guilty of lightly stalking Jasper. He would go to the coffee shop where he worked but never went inside. he would just sit in his car and watch Jasper. He would watch him and never get tired. He seemed different. Almost happier and Niall knew he was on a road to recovery and he had hope that his wait was almost over.

Niall was so happy and followed Jasper hone like he usually did to make sure he got home safe. He must've stayed a minute longer because he faced off with a furious Luke. Niall was pulled out of his car and slammed against it. He hissed in pain but his fear took over. His heart pounded as he waited for his beating to come. He didn't fight because he knew he deserved whatever blow Luke would give him. But none ever came.

He opened his eyes not even knowing he closed them in the first place. Luke was angry, anyone could see or feel it radiating off his body. But he also looked disappointed? Niall wasn't sure if that's what it was but it made him look threatening.

"Stay away from him you bàstard!" Luke hissed gripping the collar of Niall's shirt tighter. Niall didn't day anything but felt tears wanting to fall. He didn't let them though. At least not In front of Luke. Niall couldn't stay away. He had waited and Jasper seemed happier meaning they could finally be happy together.

Luke must've read the thoughts going though Niall's head because he said, "Stay away. He's already found someone else. He's happy so leave him the hell alone." Niall's heart sank. No. it wasn't true. He hadn't seen Hasper with anyone so it wasn't true. He knew it wasn't but the threatening tone in Luke's voice and look in his eyes made Niall believe other wise.

Maybe that's why he was happy, Niall thought. He was getting better but because he was with someone else. It all made sense to Niall. He felt heartbroken all over again knowing that now it was finally over. He couldn't do anything anymore and it was time he actually forgot about Jasper.

Stone (A Niall Horan BoyxBoy Fanfic)✔️Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant