You're The One That I Want

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A/N: so yeah there's like smut in here but it's not even smut it's just grinding but not full on sex so does that still count as smut? I'm not sure. Either way enjoy.

Chapter 24: Niall's POV

"Let me show you how much I love you," I whisper in his ear as I skim my lips on the side of his neck. I feel him shiver and loll his neck to the side and nod.

"Okay," he says breathless. I smirk and turn him around to face me. He stares at me with wide eyes that are a dark ocean blue rather than sky blue. His lips are half parted and his bottom one is red and had bite marks underneath it. I smile and caress his check with my right hand while the left one is on his hip. my thumb slips under his jacket and rubs circles into the smooth, hot skin. He closes his eyes and leans his body on mine, his forehead rests on my lips.

So I kiss it. I kiss his forehead, then each of his cheeks, and then his nose, and trail my lips down, and much to his disappointment I kiss his Adam's apple. He groans.

"Patience babe," I chuckle and then finally kiss his lips. It's not slow and sweet like the one we just had or our first one. Its passionate and filled with love as our tongues touch and caress each other's mouths. Jaspers hands reach out and grip my sweater trying to pull me closer like he wants us to be one. My mouth leaves him and goes down to his neck under his ear. I kiss then begin to suck as my hands trail from his hips to the back of his thighs and grip.

"Jump," I say and he looks at me confused but still does what I say and locks his ankles behind my back. Our groins collide and I let out a moan. Jasper whimpers, his head falling back giving me even better access to his neck. Even though Jasper is as light as a feather that doesn't mean my arms are strong and I can't deny the fact that I need to start going to the gym.

I start to blindly walk forwards and place kisses on his exposed neck as I rest him in the bed. He falls back his legs unlocking and falling on the bed. His arms are sprawled above his head looking ready for me to do anything and everything to him. And God, I want to. I really do but I've never been with a guy. yes I've seen gay porn and Kyle managed to explain to me out gay sex worked but what if I hurt Jasper? What if I don't please him properly?

Thoughts roll in my mind but when I see Jasper laid out on the bed ready for my taking, I ignore the fact that he's a guy a just do what I feel is right.

I kick off my shoes, take off my socks and get in between Jaspers legs on the bed. I lean down to kiss his lips and my hands reach the zipper of his jacket at pull it down only to be surprised that there is no shirt underneath. I pull back and smirk, looking from his fit pale chest to his face. He bites his lip his face flushing pink.

"I get hot easily," he answers, arching his back off the bed as my hands touch all over his exposed skin.

"I'm glad," I say and he hums in response. My face leans down and kisses his collar bone and the down the middle of chest all the way to the waistband of his jeans. I peck then begin to suck on the skin there. Jasper moans, his hands flying out and gripping the back of my sweater signaling me to take it off.

I smile and rest back on my knees and quickly take off my sweater and throw it on the ground. I look back at Jasper enjoy the way his eyes roam my body, his eyes growing darker and darker, his face flushing even more.

"You can touch if you want," I suggest really hoping he does. Tentatively he brings up his hands and lightly places them at my hips and slowly drags them up. His fingers feel like feathers and little tiny kisses on my chest. My mind goes wild when his blunt nails scratch back down and graze my nipples. I growl and attack his exposed chest with my mouth. I nip at the sensitive spots while he groans, hips bucking into mine and his nails digging into my back.

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