Meet My Mom

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The car ride was silent and all the two boys could hear was their own breathing and the occasional tapping of Niall's fingers on the steering wheel. the silence wasn't uncomfortable or felt like there needed to be dialogue between them. besides, Niall not Jasper had much to say and its be best if they just kept quite rather than say something to embarrass them like they know how to do.

It's funny though, at least to Niall, that he spent almost a week thinking and searching for Jasper and dreaming about a future where they were more than strangers that now he doesn't have anything to say because everyone he looks at Jasper he's at a loss for words and ends up saying the first thing that pops in his head. most of the time it's not anything stupid but when it is he just wants the dirt to eat him up but e can't deny the swell in his heart and pride seeing Jasper blush. it has become one of Niall's favorite things and he never got tire of seeing it deciding that pink was indeed Jaspers color.


After five more minutes of silent driving Niall looked over at Jasper who was looking out the window with his hands clasped in his lap. he looked proper sitting straight looking like a little boy at the store who just got told by his mother not to touch anything. and Niall figured that he's heard that several times that it got printed on his mind that now sitting straight and not touching anything was a natural act for him.

Niall rubbed his bottom itch and he was flooded with the memory of the spectacular kissed he had had and as he looked back at Jasper he wondered if he liked it too. they didn't talk about it and Niall didn't want to go to the process of asking him and probably having to explain the other feelings that came along with it. he had done it all before when he was ten and didn't want to go back to relive the awkwardness. at some point it'd come up but hopefully it wouldn't have to and they could just do it again.


"Jasper," Niall whispered shaking his shoulder gently, he had fallen asleep during the ride and it pained Niall to wake him up from what looked like a peaceful nap. "jasper," Niall called again, smiling seeing Jasper knit his eyebrows together and wiggle his nose like a bunny. It was cute and adorable but they had ten minutes to board their flight and they still had yet to go through security and get there tickets.

After the fourth shake of the shoulder, he finally stirred and opened his glossy blue eyes that met with Niall's. he looked away when Niall smiled making him blush and sat up taking notice that they arrived.

"Oh I'm sorry," he apologized quickly unbuckling his seat belt and opening the car door. Niall followed in suit with a chuckle and got there bags from the backseat planning on carrying them both but Jasper was quick to get it from his hands. Niall just sighed and let him.

"Didn't sleep well?" Niall asked as he began walking rather quickly to the entrance of the airport not wanting to miss their plane and face the wrath of his mother but at the same time Niall was tempted to "accidentally" miss it not really ready go back home and explain that Jasper was his date. it's not like they were dating or anything and Niall could just say he was a friend but it would him to lie knowing I'm his heart that what he felt was more than friends type of feeling. He'd be lying if the said Jasper was just a "friend" because in his head they were more.

"You could say that," Jasper answered biting his lip looking nervous and jittery. Niall quirked an eyebrow.

"Are you alright?" He asked and even though he couldn't see it, Jaspers heart melted just a little bit more and the caring warm tone of Niall's voice. his stomach filled with a fluttery feeling and he gave him a small nod which was an obvious lie. To be frank, he was pissing his hisself in the inside about going on a plane. He had never been on one and to be honest, the giant people of metal flying in the sky didn't seem very welcoming and safe. he couldn't sleep thinking about it and all the worst case scenarios and he was close to call Luke to pick him up but seeing the bright smile on Niall's face as he got the tickets, he didn't want to disappoint him so he tried to hide his fear but when they got closer to the gate, Jaspers fear grew stronger and he froze on the spot.

Stone (A Niall Horan BoyxBoy Fanfic)✔️Where stories live. Discover now