Chapter 44: TMI Gandalf

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"Bilbo?" I ask, referring to the stated love of Thorin's life. He chuckles at my mock horror, pulling me even close to his vibrating chest.

"As mush as I adore the hobbit's company, I mean you, my queen," he mutters sweetly, pulling me into a passionate kiss. Though we are surrounded by previous enemies, I feel safe within the dwarf king's arms and words. A cough brings us back to reality, moving us to sit upon the gathered chairs around the table.

Moving my eyes clockwise, I see Bard across from me, followed by Rapunzel, Gandalf, and Beorn, and to my left, Thorin and Dain. Balin sits to Thorin's side, as recorder of the meeting, though he is not a leader. Thranduil sits in a chair while Legolas leans into its wooden side. Bard has Alfrid next to him as Thorin has his nephews. Gandalf pulls Bilbo closer to his chair while I look upon my companions, Sidel, Typhon and Tauriel. Neither Dain nor Beorn have companions with them.

Balin, looking up from his writing, furrows his brows at my three companions, prompting me to do the same. He stutters a bit before choosing his words:

"I'm sorry lassie, but you can only have two companions at this meeting." I groan at his words, knowing it will be impossible for me to send one curious friend or sibling away. However, I don't have to choose as Sidel moves to Beorn's side, giving him a side hug and sending me a smile. I give her a nod of thanks, looking back to Balin who looks complacent with the new arrangements.

"Balin, I do not like that word, 'lassie'...I would much prefer 'laddie,'" I tell the older dwarf who looks shocked at my ideas.

"That would mean referring to you as a male," he remarks, horrified at the notion. I casually shrug, not really seeing where his horror comes from.

"Maybe I am a male," I respond with a smirk. Balin gapes at me as Thorin chuckles one chair over.

"Thorin, is she a male?" Kili asks from his uncle's side, making me gape. Fili erupts into laughter, along with my siblings, at the rare sight of my shock. Thorin makes to respond but I shush him with a glare.

"You cheeky bastard! Don't answer that, Thorin!" I yell, even though we sit in close proximity of each other. This sends the majority of the gathered group into either loud or soft laughter; I even see Thranduil's lips move into a smile.

"Enough with the teasing!" Balin yells us to silence, "Now, as the code of dwarf agreements commands, we must each share our names, titles, relationship with the host, and reason for your presence. You may ask your questions at this time." Silence falls over us as looks are exchanged, trying to decide who will talk first. Eventually, Beorn makes his move to address us, given our indecisiveness.

"I am Beorn, last of the Skinchangers. I sheltered the company as they moved towards Mirkwood and I am here at Gandalf's request," he tells us. I lean over the table to send Gandalf a questioning look, but he just shrugs it off. Having grown into a happy and playful mood, I take it upon myself to ask each of the leaders a question.

"May we have an eyebrow competition? Beorn with those fluttering brows, Thranduil with those black caterpillars, and Alfrid with that hunky unibrow. It's sure to be a showdown," I question, but before any response or laughing can commence, Thranduil cuts in:

"How dare you compare me with that mere unibrow. These brows are glorious!" I cannot help but erupt into loud laughter, as the others do, at his infuriated and proud state. Beorn just shakes his head at my questioning, but pats my hand that lies on the table. I send him a smile once I stop giggling.

"I am Gandalf the Gray Wizard of the Istari. I aided the company in their journey and I am here to warn you all of an impending war," the wizard addresses us from his wooden chair. The others freeze at the mention of war, so I distract them with another question.

Saving Durin {Hobbit/Thorin}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz