"You know how to do that?"

"Logan taught me yesterday. Oh, would you mind getting Gigi on the phone? I told her I would FaceTime her."

"Do you want me to call her or FaceTime?"

"If you could FaceTime her, that would be great. Where's Luke? I need him to get April on the phone."

"Luke is out in the yard with your father."

"Would you mind sending them in here? And collect cell phones and cameras before letting Shira and Mitchum in here."

"Would you like me to perform strip searches upon entrance?"

"Actually, yeah, that would be great! Rory and Logan don't want any pictures getting out, and we know that those people can't be trusted."

"Really Lorelai?"

"Hey, you're the one who offered to do the strip searches. Don't offer what you aren't actually willing to do."

"Somedays I really wonder how you could possibly be my child." Emily muttered as she headed for the back door as a knock came from the front entrance."

"Hey, I heard that!" Lorelai called after her.

"I wasn't trying to hide it . . . Luke, Richard, Lorelai is here with pictures. Luke, she asked for you to video call your daughter for her." Emily said, opening the back door, and sticking her head outside.

"Wonderful!" Richard said, excitedly jumping from his seat on the patio.

"Richard, Lorelai wants phones and cameras confiscated at the door." Emily told him as she heard more knocking on the front door.

"No one is allowed to have pictures?"

"I guess not. Logan mentioned not wanting them getting out, but I guess that includes the family."

"Well they are Huntzbergers, Dear. You know as well as I do, that bad things happen when too much information falls into the wrong hands. We are here to protect our Granddaughter, so if she wants phones and cameras taken away, then that is exactly what we will do. Grab me a basket, will you?"

"There's a basket in the cabinet above the kitchen sink." Luke said as he stepped past the Gilmores and headed into the house.

"Luke, you are a Grandfather now. How does it feel?" Richard asked, following behind the younger man.

"It feels good. Kind of like a rite of passage. I've watched Rory grow up since she was a tiny little girl. This is the logical next step for her."

"That is very true." Richard agreed as continuous pounding started to come from the front door."

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