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Wangji walks back into the bedroom after running the bath water to see his sweet angel asleep, looking thoroughly loved and ethereal. He smiles picks him up, carries him to the bathroom and climbs into the tub careful of the precious man in his arms. He sits down and places Wuxi between his legs and rests his back on his chest. He half wakes and moans at the feel of the warm bath water and its soothing effects on his sore, tired body. Wangji leans back and closes his eyes savoring the feel of Wuxi tucked securely in his arms. Wuxi quickly settles back into sleep while Wangji slowly and carefully bathes him, cleaning him of the remnants of their lovemaking.

As he swipes the washcloth over the silk-smooth skin his mind wanders back, replaying their night together. His heart swells as his mind echoes Wuxi telling him he loves him and calling him husband. He smiles, his whole being basking in the fact that the man he has wanted for so long, the one his heart beats for feels the same. He hopes that Wuxi loves him at least half as much as he loves Wuxi. His arms tighten around his lover and he kisses the side of his neck whispering words of love meant only for these small, delicate ears.

He finishes bathing the two of them, takes them out of the water, and dries them before putting on their pajamas. He would be happy to sleep naked beside his lover but alas they have babies and that wouldn't be good for them to see. He kisses Wuxi's swollen lips a few times before tucking them both into bed and falling asleep with Wuxi resting on his chest and his arms wrapped securely around the man he loves.

He lets Wuxi sleep in the next morning and helps Li Qin get the babies bathed and fed. AMei has to have a sponge bath since her incisions cannot get wet. Once the babies are all fed and happily playing he takes a tray to Wuxi.

He sets it down next to the bed and gently runs the back of his fingers down the dewy cheek of his lover. He leans over and kisses his neck until Wuxi stirs and opens his eyes smiling at the gorgeous man who just woke him so sweetly.

"Eat something baobei, I need to go into the office today, I should be back in time for dinner. I will also have some more of my things delivered today from my condo. The babies have already been bathed and fed and are playing with Li Qin watching over them. Rest for a little longer and I will see you later, call me if you need anything alright?" he leans down kissing Wuxi's lips several times then kisses his forehead.

Wuxi smiles "I will, thank you for taking care of the babies this morning so I could get a little more rest. Have a good day at the office and be safe driving."

He smirks "You never have to thank me for taking care of our children love. I will be careful and don't forget to call me if you need anything."

He walks out of the room and Wuxi looks at the breakfast tray, he smiles to himself and picks up a piece of fruit and nibbles at it while he remembers last night. He blushes and giggles to himself happy that his future husband is so wonderful.

Wangji walks to the living room "Daddy has to go to work babies, I will see you all later. Be good for Li Qin and Mommy."

AYuan tilts his head "Daddy go work?"

He nods "Yep Daddy has to go to work but I'll be back in a little while alright?"

ATian glances up from the toy truck he is playing with and calls out "Bye Daddy." And goes right back to playing with his truck.

AMei pouts "AMei want Daddy." She puts her arms up to be picked up.

He picks her up gently and kisses her soft cheek. "Daddy will be home soon, be a good girl ok?" she nods but her lip quivers.

He is having a hard time with this but finally, Li Qin walks over and takes AMei "Let Daddy go to work so he can come home and eat with us alright?" she nods still pouting but lets him go this time.

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