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They brought in another bed for them, the nurse came back into the room and Wuxi smiled "Thank you for having the extra bed brought in, I would like to order a paternity test for my children and Mr. Lan please." He points to Wangji so the nurse knows who he is talking about.

She smiles and nods "Of course, I will send someone in just a few minutes to take samples from them."

He smiles at Wangji "Then we should know the results soon. Li Qin bring in one of the security please."

She nods and steps out of the room then comes back in a few minutes later with one of their guards "Mr. Siu we are having a paternity test done and I want a guard to accompany our samples, I have seen way too many C Dramas where someone tampers with the results and we aren't doing that. I have enough going on without my ex making trouble for us. Also, make sure if he is seen at the hospital that he is removed, he will not have access to our children."

The guard nods "Yes sir, it will be taken care of."

He smiles and nods for the guard to leave the room then looks over at Wangji sheepishly "Sorry my ex has been trying to see the babies, trying to claim they are his, now that they are getting famous. I don't want to take any chances that he gets in to see them or has the opportunity to tamper with our results."

Before Wangji can say anything Carmen with anger blazing in her eyes scoffs "That piece of trash has been trying to gain access to you and the children again? He has already been paid handsomely to leave you alone. Such a rotten snake." She sneers.

Wangji looking confused asks "Wait what's going on?"

Wuxi thins his lips then sighs "My ex-boyfriend, the one who took me to the party that night has been trying to come back, he has tried to see the kids and he has been paid a lot of money to go away but he won't stay gone. He is an artist like me but he went a..different direction with his art than me. Now that our kids are becoming famous I think he is hoping to ride their coattails to fame, he is obsessed with becoming famous for his artwork."

Wangji tilts his head pursing his lips and asks "What do you mean our kids are becoming famous? Famous how?"

Carmen chuckles "Look up BoLiXiu on any of the social media platforms you use. Go on we'll wait." She smirks.

He pulls out his phone awkwardly trying to juggle ATian and his phone at the same time. Li Qin walks over and takes ATian from him and puts him on her shoulder to free up Wangji's hands. He pulls up a few and searches the name and his eyes widen each platform has five million or more followers, the name pulls up on hot search in the top ten and his children's photos and videos are all over the pages with big named brands commenting and sharing the posts claiming them as their brand ambassadors. Each with hundreds of thousands to millions of views, likes and comments.

He looks up at his mother and Wuxi "How?"

Carmen giggles and Wuxi smiles "I got a DM from an Italian fashion designer with a large luxury brand wanting the babies to be models for their children's clothing line when they were about six months old. It just kind of took off from there. They now have brands send them toys and things to play with or use and pay them to post it on their social media, they have six brand endorsement deals and are the Chinese ambassadors for three of the six with the initial brand wanting them to be their global brand ambassadors for their children's line." He shrugs as if it's no big deal.

Carmen huffs "Yeah don't mention that you are also now a fashion model for the same luxury brand and they have been begging you to become a brand ambassador." He ducks his head and blushes.

"He is asking about the babies Carmen Mom, not me." He looks at his daughter and straightens her clothes trying to calm down and stop blushing.

Wangji smirks "I definitely want to know about you as well, don't think this is just about the babies."

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