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Wangji watches her walk out of the room with a stoic face feeling wary of Wuxi's twin. He doesn't like the difference in how she acts in front of Wuxi and behind his back. She seems very duplicitous to him, making him wonder if Wuxi is aware of her nature. He is also surprised that Mingjue would willingly be with someone like her, it seems to him that he would be smarter than to be with someone so double-dealing. He will talk to him soon and get more details about their relationship and why he would attach himself to someone like her. He leaves it for now and spends time with his family as they will start preparing for AMei's surgery soon.

The morning of the surgery the boys stay at home with Li Qin, Wuxi, Wangji and Carmen are all at the hospital. They told the rest of the family to come visit her afterward so that they wouldn't crowd her when she came back to her room. The surgery went well and there weren't any complications, the surgeon said that everything went according to plan and she should be able to go home tomorrow if no complications arise.

Wuxi takes his first breath and turns to Wangji who takes him into his arms patting his back. "She is fine, we can take our baby girl home tomorrow, take a few more deep breaths." Wuxi nods leaning on Wangji for strength and comfort and breaths deeply.

They go back to her hospital room and wait for her to be brought back from the recovery room. Mianmian walks quickly into the room a worried look on her face. "Laoban I'm so sorry to bother you on her surgery day but you have to see this, it's an emergency or I would never burden you with this on a day like today."

They all stand up and Wuxi crinkles his brow at the agitated Mianmian "What? What's going on?"

She pulls out her laptop puts it on the hospital bed tray, opens it and steps away "See for yourself." She says with a note of anger in her voice.

There on his ex's social are pictures of AMei before her surgery, and after in the recovery room. The pictures show her being prepped for her surgery and then her unconscious after with photos of her incisions. Wuxi is livid "What the fuck is this? How did he get these?"

Mianmian sighs "That's not all scroll a little lower." she says timidly.

He scrolls lower and sees a photo of paternity tests dated a year ago saying that Bai Zhi is the father of the babies. The caption states that the babies' socials were hacked and the false paternity test was posted showing someone else as the father. Wuxi closes his eyes and Wangji wraps his arm around him trying to comfort him. "What has been done about this?" Wuxi asks trying to maintain his calm, he doesn't need this on top of the worry for their child.

Mianmian growls "That's the problem I have been trying to do damage control on their accounts, but no one believes it is us. They think it is the hackers and are refusing to believe me when I try to refute the evidence Bai Zhi has posted. I tried to tell them that we weren't hacked and that the paternity tests posted by him were false but they flat refused to believe it. That's why I came to you so that you were aware of everything especially the photos of baby Mei."

Wuxi scowls, and Wangji pulls out his phone "Send the director of this hospital to this room immediately. I want to be speaking to him within the next five minutes." He hugs Wuxi "We will get this taken care of baobei don't worry."

He takes Wuxi's phone and calls Song Lan "We had a breach at the hospital, photos of AMei before and after surgery were leaked and posted by Wuxi's ex along with paternity reports dated a year ago. We need to know how this happened."

He takes out his phone again "There was a breach at the hospital with my daughter again, I have the director coming to our room, but we need to find the ones who did this, I want them in front of me in the next two hours. Get it done and make sure nothing like this happens again."

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