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They ordered room service and ate their breakfast with only a few tantrums, luckily his kids aren't prone to them however when one gets something one of the others wants, they can get a little irritable. AMei ate the last grape which caused AYuan to cry because he wanted it and in turn, he got clingy with Wuxi as he usually does when he is upset. ATian was just happy to be eating, he will eat pretty much anything you put in front of him, AYuan is a little pickier but still a good eater. 

His daughter however is very picky, she wants everything a certain way and she only wants certain things otherwise she just won't eat. Her food has to be arranged on her plate or in her bowl how she wants it or a tantrum will ensue. Usually, they let her pick out what she wants and one of them will arrange it how she likes before fixing the boy's plates.

Around noon Milan time the babies started getting cranky due to the jet lag, so they put them down for a nap. Wuxi takes a deep breath once they are asleep "Wow traveling with three babies is exhausting, I can't imagine doing it without a nanny and you Carmen Mom. I don't see how other moms do it."

She smiles at him "Well I will be honest with you, we didn't travel with our kids until my youngest was nearly three, it made it easier to travel and my oldest was old enough to be a bit more self-sufficient."

Wuxi nods in understanding "I can see why you wouldn't, we might as well try to get a small nap in ourselves since they will be here at three to style us. I am a little tired so I will see you when we wake up."

She nods and they each go to their rooms and lay down for a light nap before today's event. The stylist and wardrobe show up on time and have everyone ready to go within their allotted timeframe.

Wuxi walks out in a black suit jacket with a cream turtle neck and black pants as he fidgetes with his clothes and looks nervous. Carmen looks at him and her jaw drops "Darling you are beautiful, you are going to knock them off their feet when they see you." She says chuckling.

He grimaces "They put makeup on me, it feels weird and I don't look like myself."

Carmen laughs full out "Oh my precious boy, you look like you only with your features enhanced, you have always been a beautiful man Wuxi, this just accentuates it."

He blushes and smiles at her "Thank you Carmen Mom, you look stunning yourself."

She tucks her hair behind her ear and smiles "Thank you dear, shall we get the babies and go?"

He calls out "Where are mommy's little angels? I know you are here somewhere?"

He hears giggling from the other room and walks in to see the babies all dressed up looking like living dolls and smiles, they are playing with Li Qin who the stylist has also done up. He smiles at her "You look great, are you ready to go?"

She nods and the babies run over to him all shouting "Mommy, mommy, mommy, pwetty."

He smiles at his children "Are you ready to go?"

They nod and clap happy to be going somewhere, he chuckles at his sweet beautiful babies and then looks at Li Qin. "Carmen and I will carry the babies if you will bring their bags make sure that the photographer Carmen hired is doing his job and Mianmian is telling him what she needs. I would really appreciate it, I know that isn't your job but it would really help me a lot knowing someone is keeping them focused on the babies tonight."

She smiles at him "No worries, I have no problem with that, I kind of figured you might want that anyway."

He walks out with the babies following like little ducks AYuan sees Carmen and runs to her "Na Na, up." He holds out his arms for her to pick him up.

One Night Changed Everything (PAUSED)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang