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He nods and hands them a small container with some of the puffs in them, he watches and sees that the container moves as they do so that the puffs don't spill out. He smiles "Now that is cool, a snack bowl that moves so they don't spill it."

She smiles "Yeah that is one of the best things they have been sent to us by their child items manufacturing brand they are brand ambassadors for. Well, not the best thing but it's definitely one of the handiest things sent by them."

Wangji looks at her "Huh? What do you mean sent to them?"

She smiles "They are brand ambassadors for six brands and they get sent stuff from them all the time, not to mention other companies that just send them stuff randomly to use, we will make a video of them using the product and post it on their social accounts, when the babies use and post, the companies pay them for using and giving attention to their products."

Wangji looks surprised "Mother and Wuxi mentioned something about this before but I guess I was just too overwhelmed with everything to realize. So often do you do these videos and how much are they getting paid? I hope it is a good amount since they are helping to sell the products."

She smiles "Wuxi is very intelligent and has a standard contract that he sends to companies that want them to post their products on social media for a single platform it's one hundred and eighty thousand yuan. For two of their platforms, it's two hundred and twenty thousand and for all four it's three hundred and fifty thousand."

Wangji's eyes go wide "What? Are you serious right now?"

She laughs "They have more than five million followers so when they advertise a product for a company it usually sells out. If they want they can opt into a mini contract and pay the babies a percentage of their sales. They have a few of those as well, not many but they do have them."

Stunned he just looks at her then slow blinks "How often do they have to do this? I mean they must stay busy all the time with this."

She shakes her head "Not really, like right now we give them a cup with snacks in it and they walk around eating their snacks, if the company wants us to promote their product, we will just do a short one to three minute video of them walking around snacking. It doesn't phase them or upset their daily lives at all, they go about their day and we hand them things and they do what they do with them, we record it and send it to Mianmian, their social media specialist who edits the video and puts the brand and product information with the video, posts it and voilà they get paid."

He huffs out a laugh "Amazing, I never even knew you could do all of that, I mean I have heard of influencers but I guess I never really thought about how they make money using and promoting products. How do you pick and choose what they will promote?"

We have a team that goes through the items and makes sure they are safe for the babies. They check them for damage, issues and any other hazards, once they pass, the items are put in a bin and sent over. Wuxi, Carmen and I usually go through them and pick out what will work for them and then we bring in a videographer they have been using for a while now and he sets up cameras around the house. They give the babies the items and let them do whatever they are supposed to do with them then once the babies discard the item they give them another and so on. We tried to do scheduled days but babies are chaotic and random so you never know what their moods will be from day to day. They might be cooperative one day and fussy and act like little demons the next. You can have one baby that is willing while the other two are not at all. We do have cameras set up around the house now, we can turn them on when we want but if the babies are in good moods and are being cooperative on a given day they will get the videographer over and do multiple products."

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