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Carmen watches him then turns to Wuxi "I like the two of you together, what about you?"

Wuxi grins and gives her a sideways glance "You behave Carmen Mom, I have already agreed to marry him, but I want to get to know him, we had a night together but I don't really know him so give me a little time for us to get acquainted with each other hm?"

She smirks "I think the two of you are perfect for each other and so will you when you get to know each other better. Now go and get acquainted with my son, I will be here for my granddaughter along with security, she will be fine while you are gone." She waves him away playfully.

He rolls his eyes at her trying not to laugh and leans over and kisses his daughter before grabbing his things and leaving the hospital room. Wangji is waiting for him in his McLaren Seven twenty S, he opens the door for Wuxi when he steps closer and waits for him to get into the car. He shuts the door, walks around to the driver's side and gets in, he turns to Wuxi "What is your address so I can put it into the navigation system?"

Wuxi looks over at the gorgeous man sitting beside him and sighs internally 'God this man is so sexy Mianmian is right, without even trying he is just delicious. I wish I could remember the night we were together, I wish I could remember what his delectable body looks like without any clothes on.' His breathing increases with his wayward thoughts.

Wangji watches his and sees his breathing pick up "Wuxi? Are you ok?"

Wuxi blinks and shifts in his seat "Oh um yeah, I'm fine, I'm good thanks."

Wangji looks closer at him and sees his cheeks tinted pink once again and smirks "Address."

Wuxi blinks again fully brought out of his naughty thoughts "Hm?"

Wangji chuckles "Your address so I can put it into the navigation system."

Wuxi's eyes widen as if he got caught fantasizing "Oh sorry here I'll put it in while you start driving."

Wangji turns back to his steering wheel with a smile on his face puts the car in drive and takes off. They arrive at Wuxi's villa and when they walk in the door they are inundated with the happy cries of two toddlers "Mommy, Daddy, Mommy, Daddy's here." Both boys come running up to them, they are already in their pj's and are ready for bed.

Wuxi bends down and scoops them both up "Hello Mommy's babies, I've missed you." He says as he kisses each of their cheeks.

They both kiss his cheeks smiling "We missed you too Mommy, Tian wants Daddy's kisses too."

He leans forward and Wangji takes him in his arms, the little boy puts his arms around his neck and pulls him close to give him a kiss on the cheek and Wangji smiles before giving each boy a kiss on the cheek "Daddy missed the two of you, have you been good boys?"

AYuan still in Wuxi's arms nods in childlike enthusiasm his body moving with his head nod. Wuxi grins and hugs his son who hugs him back then asks "Where meimei?"

Wuxi looks at him "Meimei is still sick so she had to stay with the doctors for a while longer."

Tian pouts "When she comes home?"

Wangji hugs him "She has to get better so she will be with the doctors for a few more days but then we will bring her home ok?"

They both nod then Tian pats Wangji's cheek softly "Daddy stay with Mommy, Tian, de ge and meimei?"

Not knowing how to answer he looks nervously to Wuxi who grins "Daddy will come over and see you a lot for now and we will talk about him moving in with us later alright?"

Tian looks at them both then crosses his arms over his chest and pouts even harder "Tian and de ge want Daddy to stay."

AYuan nods "Want Daddy to stay with us, Mommy." His lip wobbles "I want my Daddy." He starts to cry which sets off his brother.

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