Chapter 18 -Cat Sitter?-

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I hesitate at the gates, afraid to be turned away by the guards. I've been standing outside for about an hour in the cold and now I can feel the frostbite in my fingers.

"Are you coming in, Miss?" I turn my head to see one of the security guys, the hard lines in his face crinkle slightly as he raises a brow at my disheveled state. I shake my head as he ushers the other visitors into the building, their faces dark and solemn. I'm now shivering violently and I grab whatever's in my pocket for comfort, conveniently my teacher's gloves are there to my rescue, although I've been trying my best to avoid them.

"Damn it." I mumble, now rushing behind the others, hastily putting on the large gloves and I enter the large gates, the beeping sounds and radios, it feels almost as if I'm in a movie.

It's currently 6:30am, school doesn't start for another two hours but I've managed to squeeze my slot in, to meet Fiona for the first time since the incident. My parents don't know anything about it though. I barely managed to find a pleasurable excuse to leave a few hours early but the talk about delays of trains and the amount of revision sessions there are in the morning, it somehow amused them enough to let me go. Gosh, the first time meeting Fiona and the first day back to school after New Year's. I've got so much to say to my dear friend, I just hope she is alright here.

The detention centre on the inside is as gloomy as it is on the outside. We walk into a large room, there are seating areas for visitors to wait before they're called in and there's already a queue, people waiting patiently in line. I pull my long black coat closer to me, feeling the soft thick fabric of the leather gloves on my cold fingers. Things have changed drastically since I've been at Willow's Grove. The people I've met, the new feeling of being an adult and the new teachers helping us get through our last year before we're off to university. My mind is still caught between two degrees that I would like to pursue, Law or Herbology. Although I'm still unsure of how my grades will be, I'm happy to do either.

"Ma'am? Your name please." I turn my head to see the queue has ultimately dispersed and I'm now first in line, in front of a box with an old lady, chewing gum unenthusiastically.

"Oh, hi. It's um, Amaya Falke. I'm here to see Fiona Barres."

"Fiona Barres?" She looks back to the screen on her rather computer and drums her perfectly polished nails on the counter. She suddenly kisses her teeth and shakes her head.

"Sorry Amaya. Looks like Fiona has rejected your visit for today."

"What?" I mutter, brows furrowed. "B-but it was confirmed yesterday-"

"It's seems she's cancelled it during early hours of the morning. Probably not well or something."

"I've come all the way here though. Isn't there anything you can do?"

"Afraid not. Sorry, but without a confirmation from both parties, there's no chance for a meeting."


"Next!" The lady bellows and I wince, feeling my cheeks warm up and I step aside, my eyes stuck to the ground. She cancelled it? But why? And why now? After all this time, all these months. I thought I had found some common ground with her but it seems she is still being stubborn. I let out a breath, pulling something from my bag, slinging the brief down to the floor.
As the next visitor moves off I hurry back into the line. The lady shakes her head, sighing deeply.

"Amaya, I've already said that-"

"I know, I know. But, can you at least give this to her? I didn't have time to mail it and well, since I'm here, I would really appreciate it."

"Sure." The lady takes the letter, inspecting it for a brief moment before stamping it and I watch patiently as she places it with a bunch of other letters. My shoulders droop, now wondering if it will ever get to Fiona. I bring my eyes back to the lady and she's now staring at me intensely.

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