Chapter 6 -Who's Amy?-

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Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh...
What have I done? One look in the mirror and my eyes are aching from the horrible way I look. Although my top half is perfectly fine, my jeans and shoes are absolutely filthy. I run into one of the cubicles and grab an enormous amount of tissue, wetting them slightly before I begin to clean myself. It takes about 10 minutes to rub off all the grime and dirt from the soles of my shoes and then another 5 minutes to wipe off all the residue from my jeans. I'm surprised Professor Abel didn't mention how I looked as he always would have when at school. But then again, this isn't school and I wasn't actually being a noble student.
My face flushes when I remember him pulling me out of the fight and dropping me down onto a seat so nonchalantly it makes me mad. And he wasn't wearing his usual formal clothes, just black jeans, a black leather jacket, with work boots. The black turtle neck sweater manages to make his muscles look more defined and trust me when I say his whole outfit is another world of expensive. I sort out my hair, pulling my fingers through the lose strands and I push them back, my face still slightly pink but all in all, I look better than I did 20 minutes ago.
My lower torso still aches from the way the man bashed me in, and I tentatively raise my jumper up to see a large bluish mark forming. It hurts when I try and touch it and I bring my jumper down, letting out a tired sigh.
Realising how long I've been in here, I hesitantly walk out, wondering if Professor Abel has left with his...who is that little boy again? His son? I'm assuming it's his son. Right?

Cafe seating area

Hayes sits silently as he watches his brother eat a large cookie, his little mouth trying its best to bite each part of the spherical sweet. His eyes then cast down to the seat next to Jordan, Amaya's coat hanging loosely at the end of the leather seat. He pulls it up, making sure it doesn't fall but a thud causes him to kneel forward, noticing her bag of what looks like books have dropped down onto the floor. As he picks up the bag, one of the books slide out and he grabs it before it falls, flipping it to see if there is any damage to it.

"The Beginner's Guide to Herbology and Medicine?" Hayes mumbles, his eyebrows raise to the name of the thick book. Before he can pry any more he hears Amaya's voice, her well spoken mannerisms keep the conversation flowing with the lady at the counter and she waves her hand at them, once again apologising for her intrusion. Hayes quickly places the book into the plastic bag and covers it with her coat, as if it was never touched. Jordan has now completely finished his cookie and he sips the rest of his milk, his cheeks a little pink from the sudden warmth in the small building.

"Sorry about that." Amaya says sitting back down onto the seat. She has cleaned herself up a bit but he can tell she's still not quite comfortable.

"So," she begins looking at Jordan. "Is he your son?"

"Uh, no." Hayes replies placing his hands on the table. "He's my brother."

"Brother?" Her shocked voice somewhat hurts his ego a bit and he looks at her accusingly.

"And what is that supposed to mean? Are you calling me old Miss. Falke?"

"No, no, no... well I mean I guess your parents are just-" she clears her throat and shakes her head. "To each of their own."
Watching her be this flustered creates a little twinkle in his eyes and he looks away, trying not to curl his lips up into a smile.
The roll of thunder outside startles both Jordan and Amaya, the little boy rushes down to the young lady's coat, covering himself in hopes of finding shelter.

"I should get going." Amaya says looking down at her watch and she pulls the coat away from Jordan, giving him a tissue to wipe his chocolate mouth.

"In the pouring rain? Will you be walking home?"

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