32 - Evening

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Theo went to his dad's car and got in. "Hey, i'm late i'm sorry had some trouble at work." Tim said to his son, while he gets in the car. Theo got in "Hi, it's okay u are not that much late." He answered. Tim started the car "Do you wanna go eat something? What about pizza?" Tim asked, Theo thought for a moment "Oh i'm not that hungry dad" He looked outside the window. Tim looked confused "But you didn't have breakfast today, did you at least eat something at school?" He asked his son. "Yeah, already had lunch at school" Theo lied to his dad. "Okay that's good. We need to make a stop at the supermarket really fast, alright?" Tim said and drove to the supermarket.

They both went in and walked around to get some stuff for dinner tonight. "Dad can I get my phone back when we are home?" Theo asked his dad. Tim raised an eyebrow "Theo I don't think so. It was not just for one night. I think we need to work on your behavior first." Tim explained to his so . Theo rolled his eyes "And what has my behavior has to do with my phone? I really need it back today" Theo said. He needs it back so he can text his friend but specially he wants to text Charlie. "Just accept the no Theo. I'll think about it maybe you can have it before the weekend starts." Tim said and walked over to the next shelf. Theo sighed, Tim turned around "don't Theo" was all he said.

Back at home Theo went to the living room and sat on the couch, while Tim packs out the groceries. Tim went to the living room and sat next to Theo. "10 Minutes and i'll start with dinner okay. Lucy will probably come in 30 minutes." Tim said, Theo nodded. 30 Minutes later the doorbell rang, Theo got up and opened the door, it was Lucy. "Hey Theo, how are you?" Lucy asked him with a smile on her face. "It's alright I guess" Theo said and went to the kitchen with Lucy. Tim grew Lucy with a kiss "Hey, i'm glad you came today. Dinner is ready in 5 Minutes." Tim smiled at Lucy. Theo and Lucy set the table for dinner. All three sat down at the table and started eating. Theo picked at his food with his fork "Dad?" Theo asked. "Mhm Theo?" Tim said looking at his son. "Dad look I really need my phone today. Please just for an hour dad." Theo tried again to get his phone back. Tim looked at him "Theo you need to accept it when I say no." Tim said and looked with a serious face to Theo. Theo rolled his eyes "But dad after an hour you can get it back, really but please dad" Theo hoped his dad would say yes. Lucy didn't say a word, she didn't want to interfere again. "Theo it's enough now I said no and it stays that way. Why is it even so important that you need it today?" Tim asked. "You know what forget it. Why should I explain it, if you say no anyway." Theo said and stood up to go to his room.

Lucy looked at Tim "sorry Lucy it's a hard day again you see." Tim said with a worried face "It's all okay" Lucy smiled. "But Tim why won't you give him his phone for a short time?" Lucy asked him. Tim thought for a moment "He should learn that his actions have consequences" Tim explained. Lucy nodded "Tim I got this but it seemed like it's pretty important for him to get his phone right now". Tim looked to Theos door. "Maybe you're right" Tim said, stood up and went to Theos room.

Tim knocked on the door, waiting for Theos answer. "Mhm" Theo said looking at the door seeing his dad coming in. "Theo I thought about it, you can have your phone for one hour." Tim handed the Phone over to Theo. "Really thank you dad" Theo was shocked that his dad did this. "Theo one hour and then you give it back and I don't need to remind you, understand it?" Tim asked him, Theo nodded while he is already on his phone.

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