27 - Meeting Charlie

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With tears in his eyes, Theo turned around and looked to his dad. "I don't need to explain it because you won't understand, just drive home." Theo said. Tim exhaled and looked at his son "How can you know that when you don't even give me the chance to understand you? Theo talk to me" He answered. A few seconds of silence "It's not that I don't like Lucy but i'm scared I will lose my dad. What if Lucy or Tamara will be more important for you than me?" Theo explained to Tim. Tim seemed shocked "Wow okay Theo this is" Tim tried to say something but Theo interrupted him "No never mind you don't understand it's okay." He said.
Tim put his hand on Theos shoulder "Let me finish Theo. I didn't know you feel like this and I don't want you to feel like this. Theo I promise you this will never happen. You will never lose me or someone will be more important to me than you. You just need to talk to me, so I know what's going on."
Theo looked away "We already talked about that and I still have it in my head I don't know why dad. You have to believe me I don't hate Lucy. At the beginning I didn't like her but it's alright now. I just feel weird acting like a family with Lucy and Tamara." He tried to explain.
Tim looked confused "Theo we don't act like a family and you don't have to. I understand when you say, you don't see Lucy or Tamara as family." Theo shrugged his shoulders.
Tim started the car and drove towards home "I just wanna say it's important that you talk to me Theo especially about things like that, so we don't end up in fights all the time." Tim explained to his son. Theo looked out the window "Yes i know" was his answer.

When they arrived at home, Theo took his phone out and saw a message from Charlie. "That's sad to hear. You can come over to my place, my dad is away for the night." Was Charlies text. Theo had a little smile on his face. He stood up and went to the living room to his dad. "Dad can I go and meet Noah?" Theo asked his dad but lied to him. "if you are back here by 9 at the latest then yes. I can drive you Theo." Tim told his son but Theo just shook his head "No it's okay dad bye." He said and went out.
"I'm on the way but tell me where it is again" Theo texted Charlie.

Theo was only a few minutes away from Charlies house and he was very nervous.
He went to the door and rang the bell, Theo saw Charlie through the glass door. He opens the door "Hey Theo, nice that you came. Do you wanna drink something" Charlie greeted Theo. "Hey, oh not now thanks" Theo said, standing nervously in the floor. "Come in Theo, we are all alone don't worry" Charlie said with a smile on his face, Theo went towards the living room. They both sat on the couch watching a movie and talking about everything. "What did happened at the cinema Theo?" Charlie asked him, Theo looked at Charlie "Oh not a big deal just a little fight with my dad but it's all good now." He explained to Charlie, even though it wasn't just a small argument for Theo, he didn't want to make a big issue out of it.
"Hey look I don't know if you like this but I got some stuff here, if you know." Charlie told Theo and Theo knew exactly what Charlie means. Theo thought for a moment, because he has to be home in 2 hours but he don't wanna say no, so Charlie don't think Theo is scared or something. "Oh okay I mean I just" Theo tried to say and Charlie interrupted him "You don't need to Theo don't worry" He said looking at Theo. Theo was not sure what to do "I mean you can I don't think I will today i'm just not in the mood" Theo explained. Charlie stood up and went to his room to get the joint, he came back and sat on the couch and lit the first joint. "Are you not scared that your dad sees this?" Theo asked him, Charlie just shakes his head "Nah he comes back when i'm already at school and after that i'm at mom's house again" Charlie said. 

20 Minutes later Charlie finished the second and last joint. "You know on my 16 birthday I wanna try something harder. I don't know what yet but anything like just trying" Charlie said. Theo didn't say anything he was confused but didn't know what to answer either. "When will you turn 16?" Theo asked Charlie "Uhm in like 3 Months it's July 15." Charlie answered and Theo laughed "That's cool i'm turning 15 on may 15. One month before you." He smiled.
They both just sat on the couch and relaxed. "Okay can we open some windows? because I feel a little bit dizzy with all the smoke here" Theo said. Charlie stood up to open the window.

Theo stood up to get his jacket "I think I have to go now, I see you at school right?" Theo said, Charlie stood up too "Yeah it was nice with you, bye Theo" Charlie said and hugged Theo.
He was surprised that Charlie hugged him "okay see you" Theo said and went out.

On the way home, Theo still couldn't realize that he hugged Charlie. He was smiling all the way home.

"Hey dad, i'm home now" Theo said while coming in. Tim went to the hallway, where Theo took off his shoes and jacket. "Hey but you twenty minutes late, what happened?" Tim asked his son, Theo was confused he didn't realize he was too late. "Oh sorry dad, I didn't realize that I was probably just walking slow" Theo explained. Tim smiled "It's all good" he said and wanted to go back to the kitchen but he turned around again to Theo. Tim had a weird face "What is dad?" Theo asked him. "Why does it smell like weed when you put your jacket down?" Tim said, crossed his arms and leaned against the doorframe.
Theo looked shocked "Dad I don't know we didn't do anything" He tried to explain but Tim didn't really believed his son. "You don't know why you smell like weed Theo? Don't lie to me. I keep trying to give you more freedom but every time you mess it up" Tim said with a serious voice. Theo was shocked, that his dad reacted like this. "Dad I didn't do anything you have to believe me i'm not lying" Theo tried to get his dad to believe him but Tim remained skeptical. "Theo it is just hard for me to believe you 100% when you come home smelling like weed. And when I remember last time you were with your friends here, where the ashes were in the cup?" Tim explained. Theo seemed mad "Then don't believe me. One time I did something wrong and you will never believe me again?" Theo said with an angry voice, while he went to his room. "That's not what I said Theo. Stop trying to escape from the situation" Tim went after Theo, but he just slammed his door.

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