6 - the conversation

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Theo sat down on the couch looking at his phone, Tim took a deep breath and looked at Theo. "I want to talk to you about something important," He began, his voice filled with a mix of excitement and nervousness.

Theo glanced up from his phone, curiosity flickering in his eyes. "What is it, Dad?" he asked, sensing the seriousness in his father's tone.

"I know i told you i had to work longer today but i was at a restaurant with someone. It's not only someone, it's Lucy from work. You know her, i think you guys saw each other 4 or 5 times. So tonight me and her talked about everything and we both realized that things have become quite serious between us. I want you to know that me and Lucy started dating and we wanna see what the future brings. I thought we three can do something together tomorrow after school maybe? So you both can meet each other and really get to know each other." Tim explained his son

"Dad what? it's pretty much right now. So why didn't you tell me before that things got serious between you both?" he burst out, his voice laced with frustration

Tim was taken aback by Theo's reaction. He had anticipated some resistance or hesitation, but the intensity of Theo's anger caught him off guard. He tried to remain calm, despite the rising tension in the room.

"I'm sorry, Theo" he responded, his voice tinged with regret. "I should have talked to you about it sooner. I didn't want to rush things or put any pressure on you. I wanted to make sure Lucy and I were serious before involving you." Tim explained Theo

"At least for your next girlfriend you know that you should tell me." Theo said and crossed his arms

Tim looked confused "wow Theo what did you say? My next girlfriend? You talk like I'm introducing you to someone new every week." He said a little bit angry

"Ok maybe that was wrong but you could have told me" Theo said back looking annoying

"It's okay Theo, maybe we should talk about it tomorrow." Tim said and stand up

"I don't need to talk about it again, I just know i don't need to tell you everything like you do." Theo said that and walking to his room

"When should I have told you? All the times you skipped school and we had arguments or where you just didn't talk to me anymore?" Tim shouted it after Theo

Theo didn't answer anymore and just slammed his door behind him

Tim breathed in and out deeply and tried to come down, he don't know what was going on with his son.

After Tim took a shower he walked to Theo's door and knocked "Theo can i come in?" he asked, Theo said yes quiet

Tim walked in his sons room "Put your phone down, just for a few seconds" he told him

Theo put his phone away looking around his room waiting for his dad to say something

"i'm sorry how the conversation ended it was not my attention. You can think about tomorrow maybe you still wanna do something with us. Night Theo love you."

Theo just nodded with his head, when he wanted to fall asleep it was very difficult for him because he kept thinking about the fight with his dad.

It was just as difficult for Tim to fall asleep he just hoped his son would think about it again

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