20 - Trust

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When Lucy answered the call she waited a few seconds but no one said anything "Theo?" She asked. "Lucy, can you pick me up?" said Theo very quietly and trembling. Lucy looked over at Tim. "Is it Theo?" Tim asked her, Lucy nodded. Tim exhaled deeply, he was glad Theo called and that he's okay. "Of course, where are you?" Lucy asked Theo, a few seconds of silence "Uhm at my school" He said. After Lucy hung up she told what Theo said, Tim looked confused why Theo went to his school. "Okay we have to pick him up now" Tim said but Lucy stopped him, she put her hand on his stomach "Tim maybe it's better if you stay here? I can understand that you want to see him and to know that he's okay, but maybe there was a reason he called me?" Lucy tried to explain without coming across as mean. Tim looked at her, he sighed "maybe you are right. I will wait just text me when he is safe, okay?". Lucy nodded she took her things and drove off to school.

Lucy arrived at the school when she saw Theo sitting on one of the benches in front of the school, she was about to get out, but Theo came to the car and got in. "Hey, are you okay?" Lucy asked him but "Thanks for picking me up" was all he said. She started the car and was about to drive off until Theo stopped her "Do we have to drive home?" He asked, Lucy looked confused. "I mean you have school tomorrow and your dad waits for us at home" She said. Lucy looked at Theo and saw that he wasn't ready to go home yet. "Okay wait" She said and took her phone out, Lucy called Tim. "Hey, Theo is with me now but we are a bit hungry and would stop at a burger shop" Lucy explained Tim. Lucy hung up and drove off. "Lucy it's okay you don't need to do that also I don't have any money with me" Theo said and Lucy just smiled "Don't worry about that" she said.

They arrived at a burger shop and went in to order some burgers and something to drink. Theo was already sitting at the table when Lucy came with the drinks and burgers. "Take what you like, I hope coke was okay?" Lucy said and sit down across from Theo. "Why did you ran away?" Lucy asked him, Theo put his drink down "Can we not talk about that?" He said. Lucy looked at him "It can be safe to trust other people, Theo." She said. Theo looked at her, he gets tears in his eyes. "I told dad what happened and that they destroyed the picture from me and my mom and it was like he didn't care and he just don't care that I sometimes miss my mother and that i'm angry about it. It's just he always have to yell at me, I know I can be difficult and do a lot of shit things but he never care about me and why I do it all or just at all how I feel" Theo explained this and some other stuff too. He rubs the tears from his eyes. "You are not difficult Theo. Some things you did were not good and you need to understand that but losing a parent is not easy and it takes time to understand and accept it. You should talk to your dad, so he can understand you more, Theo trust me it will be better." Lucy said to him, hoping to cheer him up a bit. They continued to talk about this and other topics, after an hour they left and Lucy drove Theo home.

Lucy and Theo stood in front of the door, Tim opened it and they went into the house. Theo didn't say a word and just wen into his room. "Sooo he still don't wanna talk to me" Tim said and sat down on the couch, Lucy sat down next to him. "Maybe tomorrow. You two definitely need to talk about some things." She said. "I guess so. I'm just glad he's home now and safe. Did you two talked about what happened?" Tim asked Lucy, she looked at him "Yes a bit but I think he should tell you that himself. Maybe you have time for him tomorrow" She said, Tim nodded.

After Lucy drove home, Tim went to Theo's room. "Theo can I come in?" He asked through the door. "Yes come in" He answered. Tim went in and leaned against the closet and looked over at his son. "I know today was not a good day and it is pretty late now so it's okay for me if I call your teacher tomorrow and tell her that you won't come to school unless you really want to?" Tim said. Theo looked confused, he almost couldn't believe his dad suggested that. "Oh okay yes" Theo said "Also I think we should go out tomorrow and talk a bit, what do you think?" He asked Theo, he just nodded. "Okay good night Theo" Tim said and left his room. "Night dad" Theo said pretty quiet.

When Tim was in bed he took out his phone to text Lucy. "I'm gonna sleep now. Thank you for today. I think it was good that he had someone to talk to who wasn't me. Night." Tim sent that message and waited a little bit for the answer but Lucy was probably already sleeping.

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