22 - Dinner for four

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Tim called Lucy and told her that he and Theo would come over tonight. He went to his room to get ready, before that he tells Theo that he should be ready at 6:30 p.m.

Theo walked in the kitchen where Tim sat and was already done. "Ready?" Tim asked his son, Theo nodded. The two went to the car and drove off to Lucy. "Theo I think I already told you about Tamara, right? She's probably also there tonight I hope that's okay for you." Tim said, Theo was just on his phone. "Oh yes I guess so" Theo answered.
Theo and Tim went up to Lucy's apartment. She opened them up directly and greeted the two. "Hey you two, everything alright?" Lucy said, she hugged Tim and briefly leaned her arm around Theo's shoulder. "What did you cook Lucy?" Theo asked her, Lucy went to the stove "Come here take a look" she said. Theo went over to see what she cooked. Tim was still standing at the counter until he heard the door and he turned around and heard someone said "Hey Tim I thought you have no time tonight?". He looked and saw Tamara coming out of her room. "Hi, yes it's spontaneously." Tim said. Theo looked over and saw how happy Tamara was that she saw his father. "This is Theo I think Lucy already told you about him" Tim smiled, Theo walked over to say Hi. "Hey Theo, how are you?" Tamara asked him, he just looked and her and said "Good". Lucy came "So who is ready for dinner?" She said with a big smile on her face, Tim walked to the table "Definitely me" he said.

The four sat at the table and ate dinner, just talking about their day. "And Theo how is school? Which grade are you?" Tamara asked him but Theo was not happy about that question. He looked annoyed at his dad and Tim understand the look. "So I don't know if this is a good topic right now. Tamara I heard you looking for a new car?" Tim said and try to change the topic. The four talked about many other things that evening. More like Lucy, Tim and Tamara because Theo was very quiet. Tamara cleared the table and Theo got ready so he and his dad could go home. "It was a really nice evening and the food was so good. I'm glad we came." Tim said to Lucy, she smiled "I'm happy that you two came." Lucy and Tim kissed and went to the door. "Bye Theo see you soon" Lucy said and waves to him, he just smiled at her. "Bye, Tim when is the next time that you make pancakes for me and Lucy?" Tamara laughed "We will see" He answered. "Dad come please i'm tired" Theo said, he is annoyed again.

Lucy closes the door "And did you like the dinner?" Lucy asked Tamara, she turned around "It was good. But I think Theo don't wanted to be here, also he didn't even eat something maybe one potato" Tamara said with a little smiled. "Maybe it was just not the perfect day but i'm glad he came" Lucy said.

Tim and Theo went to the car to drive home. "So tell me do you like Tamara?" Tim asked his son, Theo looked at his dad "She's okay" he said. "Wow you sound happy" Tim said ironically and opened the car. "I just don't know her." He got in the car "We could watch this one movie we wanted to watch but never did" Theo said to Tim. He looked surprised "Sure we can get some snacks from the gas station" suggests Tim, Theo thought for a moment "I think we still have something at home also I don't need any snacks" He answered.

The two came home and turned on the film. Tim grabbed some snacks and drinks. After the film, the snacks were still full because both were so fixed on the film. "I think i'm gonna take a shower and then go in my room" Theo said and stand up "Sure do that" Tim said. Shortly before Theo is out of the living room he turns to his dad again "Thank you dad for today, that we finally could talk without a fight. Good night" Theo said quietly to Tim. "It was a good day my son, love you sleep well" He said.

Theo went to bed after the shower and fell asleep straight away. Tim got also ready for bed but was on his phone for a while. "It was nice that you both came. I'm happy Theo and Tamara could finally met. Good night." Lucy texted Tim, he answered "You're right. See you tomorrow." After that Tim went to bed and slept.

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