Chapter 36: The Holder Cannot Die

Start from the beginning

Cassidy felt scared, but then she remembered what happened when it touched Afton.

She took a deep breath, and stood in place, allowing the creature to get closer. Just when it got close, she jumped out of the way, allowing it to slam into Afton again.

The same thing happened, the creature got blasted back.

Cassidy saw that this plan was working. She didn't know how or why, but this thing was going down. She just had to keep her guard up to make sure this didn't fail. She went to stand in front of Afton again. But then she heard a voice. She looked behind herself and saw that he was waking up.

"The bloody shit happened...?" He mumbled, with a groan.

Cassidy gasped because the creature was just about ready to do another attack, and if Afton was awake to see this thing charge at him, he wouldn't stand still.

"Afton, I need you to do me a favor..." Cassidy said.

"Huh?" Afton said, rubbing his head. "Okay, what is it?"

"Don't move," Cassidy said as she stepped to the side.

Afton watched her move away with an arched eyebrow, but then saw the digital rabbit running full speed toward him.

He blinked, his brain couldn't process what he was looking at for a moment.

"What the HELL IS THAT?!" Afton yelled. He froze, not knowing where to run, but then by the time he could make his brain start-up, the creature slammed into him, and Afton got slammed into the wall.

"Ow!" Afton yelled out.

"Quick, Afton! Touch it!" Cassidy yelled.

Afton groaned in pain as he moved from the wall. "Ouch... what? What do you mean to tou-"

"JUST DO IT!" Cassidy screamed.

Afton quickly reached forward and grabbed the side of the glitching, digital rabbit.

It screamed and tried to get out Afton's grasp. That's when Afton figured out he was hurting it. Afton narrowed his eyes, then took his other hand, and grabbed into it. The rabbit tried to get out of Afton's grasp, but it couldn't leave it.

"Hold it there!" Cassidy yelled.

"What do you think I'm trying to do?!" Afton yelled back as he now tried to shove the rabbit into the wall after it was trying to leave his hands. "Stay put you bloody thing," Afton grunted as he shoved its head into the wall.

Suddenly, the creature went limp. Afton gasped as he let go, as it fell to the ground. Its glitching body warped, and it disappeared. The glowing purple hue was brightening up the area around them, but now since it had disappeared, they were shrouded in darkness.

"Oh bloody hell..." Afton said, shaking his head.

Afton blinked, then turned his head to Cassidy. "Is... Is it gone?"

"Maybe," Cassidy spoke. "But something is still here, lurking in the darkness," She said, scanning her surroundings.

Afton looked, but it was hard to see. "What? I don't see anyt-,"

Cassidy flew up to Afton's face. "Shhh!" She shushed him loudly. "Something is nearby..."

Afton went quiet, and once no sound was heard, there was a slight metallic clang coming from down the hallway that connected to this large room. Cassidy drifted along the wall and told Afton to stay behind her.

They stood in the hallway, facing down the long shaft in front of themselves. At first, nothing happened. It was silent, nothing was making a sound. "Nothing is going on-," Afton said, since he did not hear anything.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17 ⏰

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