Chapter 36

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Zoey p.o.v

I stood before the door, unable to move any further. My heart pounding against my ribcage, I remained frozen in place too scared to move an inch. I am overwhelmed with fear and uncertainty, the walk back to the mansion was an inner battle for me.

I'm even more terrified to deliver this unpleasant news to Marco, how do I even start. I could see the bond between him and Rebecca, and their friendship is unexplainable, and obviously unique. Something I wish I had.

I'm quite aware of how badly Marco is going to react, and I'm prepared to take consequences for my actions. He's going to blame me for this, a blame I'm not about to deny.

It's my fault that Rebecca got kidnapped, and I won't avoid it.

Tears welled up in my eyes, the weight of what has happened weigh down on my shoulders. I can't being to imagine the trauma this incident is going to cause her, fright, frightened by the unknown and what they have in store for her, which obviously won't be good.

This might actually end what's left of the relationship between Marco and I, he will finally realized how much trouble I never cease to caused him, while on the other hand the woman that risked everything to save him is in danger because of me. It clear he's going to chose her over me, and I only have myself to blame for that.

I clenched my trembling fist, my knuckles turning white in the process. Taking in deep breathe, I mustered the remaining courage left in me and proceed inside.

I was greeted with deafening silence in the house, since it afternoon and Camilla and Isabella are still in school, while the works are in the garden tending to it.

I headed straight for Marco's study, he's always there whenever he's home. For a moment, I hesitated, my hand trembled as I reach for the doorknob. I push the door open revealing Marco, who stood with his back to me. His stare is fixed on the scenery out side, his fist was stuffed in the pocket of his suit pant.

It was silent between us, I know he's aware of my presence.

"Marco." My voice quivered when I spoke. "Rebecca....." I tried to explain but was cut short.

"I know." Marco stated coldly, the sound of his voice was a blow to me. It was cold and dead, distant even, as if I was insignificant.

It was the first time he has used this tone on me. No matter how angry I had made him, his voice has always carried his tenderness, but today was different.

I could even feel the shift in him.

"I... I didn't mean for it to happen." I stuttered, my voice barely audible. "I'll want any harm on Rebecca, if I had known this would happen......" I trailed off, not knowing how to explain that it wasn't intentional.

I didn't wish for this to happen, but Marco doesn't seem to understand. He might be thinking the worst of me right now.

"Marco, I'm sorry, it's my fault I know. If I did not insisted on going out, Rebecca wouldn't have been kidnapped but you have to trust me, I did not know that this will happen." At this point my heart is sinking.

Why would Marco say anything, I secretly hoped he'll trust me and reassure me that it was not my fault.

Marco suddenly turn around breaking me from my inner turmoil, his eyes fixed on mine. Those sexy midnight orbs I fell in love with are now staring at me coldly, with cold steams coming out of them.

He stalked towards me like a predator stalking his prey, he stopped an inch in front of me.

His harsh breath fanned my face, I was tempted to step backward and escape his terrifying aura.

"Stay here." He growled on my face, and stormed out slamming the door after. I was stunned, not sure what else to do or say.

He blamed me for it.

I finally realized how much he cared about her, even if he loved me in the past but now she is in his life and had played a huge role in it too.


Hours had passed since Marco sternly told me to wait in my room while he went after Rebecca's captors. I had been pacing back and forth, my impatience growing with every passing minute. The silence in the room was deafening, broken only by the sound of my restless footsteps.

As the minutes turned into hours, my anxiety grew stronger. I wondered what was taking Marco so long. Had he found Rebecca? Were they safe? The questions swirled in my mind, tormenting me with their uncertainty. I desperately needed some news, any news of their success.

Just when I thought I couldn't bear the waiting any longer, Isabella burst into the room. Her face was pale, her eyes filled with worry. I could tell something was terribly wrong.

"Isabella, what happened? Where's Marco? Did he find Rebecca?" I bombarded her with questions, my voice trembling with fear.

Isabella took a deep breath, trying to steady herself. "Marco... he's in the hospital," she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

My heart sank at her words. The room spun around me, and I had to grab onto the nearest chair for support. "What? How? What happened?" I managed to stammer.

"He was shot," Isabella replied, her voice heavy with sorrow. For a moment, my heart rate slow down to a stop, and I felt like the air was knocked out of my lungs.

The room suddenly felt smaller and suffocating, my eyes watery.

"Matthew told me he was shot from behind, they took him down unaware." Isabella continued, I gasped for more air to ease my burning throat.

I didn't just land Rebecca in the enemies clutches, I also managed to land Marco in the hospital.

Tears welled up in my eyes as the weight of the news hit me. The thought was unbearable. He had risked everything to save Rebecca, and now he lay wounded in a hospital bed.

Isabella continued, her voice filled with determination. "The doctors are doing everything they can, but it's touch and go. Matthew said he wants you by his side, that he has been calling out your name."

"Please come with me, he needs you." Nodding through my tears, I wiped them away and took a deep breath. I knew Isabella was right, if this is the one thing I can do for him, so be it.

"Let's go." I urged, stumbling to the ground in the process of reaching the door. My feet hit the chair I had gripped onto for support earlier, causing my fall.

The sound of bones snapping and the piercing pain that shoot through my arm, to me I have twisted my wrist when I tried to stop my fall. My left knee screamed at me as I had scraped it on the floor, opening a wound on it.

"Zoey are you okay?" Isabella came to my side, and lend me a hand which I took and hastily stood up.

"I'm fine, let's just go." I ignored the pain.

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Hello guys, long time no see. Hope I'm not be hated on for not updating for a long time, well I bring good news that will satisfy you guys.

This book is completed, yayyyyyy💃💃💃

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