And the Curtains fall

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A year passed. A year with Twice members not having any contact with Tzuyu apart from the occasional updates they received from the company's side. They release a pre recorded single after three months of Tzuyu's hiatus announcement, which seemed to put a slight halt to the false disbandment rumors which were starting to arise.

However as the time passed even the Twice members were starting to grow antsy, the fear on their face was very much visible whenever they were asked about Tzuyu. They always answered positively to the media and their fans but in reality the fear of loosing the maknae was hovering over them like a dark cloud, ready to rain thunder on them.

The girls found themselves in the conference room which was all too familiar to them, because they weren't summoned to the this room in a very long time they were somehow hopeful that this time they would somehow at least be able to have a call with their maknae.

The girls were shuffling in their seats when the door opened and their managers with the performance director stepped in the room.

"Good Evening girls, I hope you all are fit and healthy. After a long discussion with the company we have decided that two months from now you will start your world tour." Their manager carefully handed them some documents "These documents have the tour locations and the set list for the specific arena, I need you to go through them carefully and if you have any suggestions let us know."

It broke their heart to watch all the members excitement deflate. The past year was way harder on the members than they expected, this time Tzuyu's absence definitely left a huge vacant space which seemed to be unfillable.

Even if this was not the first time they were met with this situation this time the wait was much more unbearable. 

The girls wordlessly skimmed through the details not paying any attention to the printed text, until Nayeon noticed something odd.

"Kaohsiung National Stadium, Taiwan." Her brows furrowed as she read out the location out loud. Hearing what she said everyone's ear perked up and hurried to check the tour list "We are performing in Taiwan?"

The officials looked at each other before doing a double check with tour list and nodding casually, which fumed Nayeon even more.

The officials continued "I don't see why not?"

The nonchalant response irked different responses from different members. The older members were seething in anger while the younger members were bewildered at the indifference by the company.

"Why not, you ask? This was Tzuyu's dream, to perform in Kaohsiung National Stadium she begged the agency to let us perform once, just once and now that she is not with us you are making us perform there? Some really caring company you are."

Jihyo gritted her teeth, hands clutching the sheet in her hand so hard that it was starting to crumble.

"We totally get where you are coming from but this the only year we finally managed to get the permission and the stadium. For the past years we have been trying to clear all the possible legal disputes however it is only this year that we have finally managed to secure this venue."

"Can we at least push back this venue by a year or two?"

"Jihyo-ssi I understand your displeasure but the venue is already booked and there is absolutely nothing we can do, so you have to perform."

Knowing full well there is nothing she can say to make them change her mind, she slammed her hand on the table and dejectedly sat down on her chair.

"We would like to discuss the details." she gave their manager a pointing look hoping they would understand the queue "Just the members"

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