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It was almost 2:30 when there was a loud banging on the Twice's dorm. None of them had called anyone over and were shaken up from the incident earlier that's why Momo opened the door without questioning who it was.

But no one expected paramedics to show up, before they could even greet them, They busted into the dorm with Elkie and Lucas trailing behind them.

Before anyone could even realize it, Elkie grabbed Momo's collar and threateningly asked her

"Where is Tzuyu?" Answering vocally was too much for Momo so she just pointed at Tzuyu's room and paramedics rushed towards her room.

"It's locked." One of them cried out loud.

"Move." Lucas went there and tried breaking the door which didn't work but one last time, He kicked the door from the point where the latch lock is and the latch broke.

While paramedics hurried into Tzuyu's room. Twice members were still clueless about what was happening, but their throats went dry when they saw the almost lifeless body of Tzuyu being carried out, and that's when they noticed the scars on her arms.

"One of you needs to come with us" One of the paramedics' officers spoke Elkie suddenly voiced.

"Lucas you go with her, Chenle is already there filling up documents and Renjun will be there Shuhua and Handong, I will right after contacting her agency. Don't waste time, Run"

And with that Lucas ran out while she took out her phone and contacted someone.

"Sorry for disturbing you this late. Tzuyu overdosed on anti-depressants... Yeah, she is taken to Asan Medical Center... Yeah okay... Bye" The instant she dropped the call Elkie felt a hand on her shoulder.

"I know I shouldn't ask this but what happened to her. Is she okay? " Chaeyoung asked eyes brimming with tears.

"A month ago Tzuyu was diagnosed with clinical depression and anxiety on top of that she was showing early signs of schizophrenia she was hearing voices. From what I think she accidentally overdosed." She answered with her own hands slightly shaking.

"Sorry if I'm rude but how do you know she y-you kn-now did t-that" This time it was Jihyo who inquired trying to compose herself.

"She called me and said 'Help' by her voice I knew something was wrong so I immediately alerted the medics and then told everyone"

"But what caused her to do this" Jihyo muttered under her breath but loud enough for everyone to hear her.

While Elkie looked at her in disbelief before responding

"Don't tell me you all don't know you are the biggest reason for this. That day when I first met her, you all left her alone while you all were hanging out with Somi after lying to her. I knew something was wrong when I first met her. Let me tell you no one, absolutely no one is alone while their bandmates all have schedules at the same time. Do you even understand how she felt that time, she felt replaced and hurt. You all screamed at her calling her names and all she did was cry alone in her room, thinking about where she went wrong, why were her unnies treating her like this. Did anyone of you even know she uses self-harm as an escape route. No, you didn't. You all were so busy that you didn't have time for the girl who cherished you the most. The cookies she baked for you all, what did you do it? Huh? You threw them in the bin, she saw it, She fucking saw all her unnies throw out the cookies she baked as a hope to rekindle your friendship. She brought you matching necklaces, that you never wear because you think they are cheap, you put money over the love she gave you all. You guys would have long been brought down if Tzuyu herself didn't ask one of your staff members to not report about you guys to higher-ups. Why did you do it? Why? Why? Why?" Elkie shouted with her own tears streaming down.

"We never knew. We were just stressed and didn't know what we were doing?" Nayeon brokenly uttered with now tears of regret.

"You didn't know? All of you know each and everything you did, you were stressed I understand it, but you didn't have to use her, make her feel like complete shit. No one, not even single one of you asked her if she's doing okay, why is she getting skinnier, why would she not eat. Do you know why? Because your egoistic self didn't, care about her. Money and fame blinded you. You all care about your group, not your group members. That night at the party she broke down in front of all of us. Neither of you saw how she cried in my arms. She looked so vulnerable. We saw blood ooze out of her fresh cuts. None of you realized how much you were hurting that kid. You broke her spirit. Fuck you for what you did to her."

And with that Elkie left all of them with guilt and regret. But what's the point of regretting now?

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