Silver brush

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Tzuyu's P.O.V

I woke up in the morning because Kaya and Butter were pulling my bed sheet, maybe they are hungry. They are the only reason I still have some will to live.

As I poured their food in the bowl, they came running towards it and immediately started to stuff themselves with food wagging their tails happily. Sometimes I wonder how it feels to be this carefree, unknown to all the problems and expectations of the world. I sighed and walked away after gently patting their backs.

I opened the cupboard above and saw a pack of ramen, since I was hungry I opened it and made it. Just as I was about to eat it Dahyun-unnie and Chaeyoung came in. Both of them had individual schedule for today and they look awfully tired today.

"Yah, Tzuyu-yah can you get the water bottle from the fridge." Dahyun-unnie shouted as she collapsed on the couch. Instead of answering her I went straight to the fridge and got the water bottle but it slipped out of my hand and some of the water slipped on Dahyun-unnie.

"What the fuck." She immediately got up and dusted her clothes. "I am sorry" I immediately apologized for spilling water on her. "Your sorry won't change the fact that you spilled water on her. Why are you so useless, for god's sake." Chaeyoung told as she helped Dahyun-unnie with her clothes.

"I am sorry" I muttered again with my head down, not having the courage to look at any of them. Dahyun unnie just clicked her tongue and looking at me sharply. "Just go away from my sight." I nodded with my head still facing down and headed to my room when I heard both of them mutter "How can someone be so useless."

No one's P.O.V

Locking the door Tzuyu collapsed right then and there. Maybe they are right She was useless, She couldn't sing, dance or rap well. Suddenly her eyes fell upon the mirror. It lured her closer to itself. Seeing herself in the mirror she felt like she was being ridiculed. The girl in the mirror looked hopeless, pathetic, defeated and it laughed at her, reminding her again of all the agony she is going through.

As if her hand had mind of it's own, she smashed the mirror into pieces and it broke into shards and pierced her skin. It cut her, not too deep, not enough to die, but enough to feel the pain inside. She smiled seeing blood seeping down. The cut, it hurt. She was still alive.

As long as you are alive you can get better, right............right?


It was a weekly group meeting. It was held every now and then so that all members can have bonding time.

"So, what are your plans for tomorrow. Me, Nayeon-unnie and Jeongyeon are going to visit my parents." Jihyo asked as all nine members slumped on the couch.

"Me, Sana and Momo are going shopping tomorrow." Mina spoke, while Sana and Momo nodded and continued what they were doing before.

"What about you two." Nayeon pointed at the two remaining Korean girls who were busy on their phones.

"Ah, we are going to art gallery and then were thinking about going to a dog café." Hearing the word 'dog café' Tzuyu's ears perked up "Uhm...can I join too?" she hesitantly asked and hoped the other two would agree.

"We would love too, but our car only has space for two. Why don't you go with some of your friends." Friends? Weren't they her only friends in this foreign country. Sighing Tzuyu smiled at them and nodded understandingly.

The same night Tzuyu heard Chaeyoung's conversation with Somi, her exact words were. "Hey Somi, wanna go hang out with us tomorrow...... Great I'll ask our manager to pick you up too" Didn't they say they didn't have space for her in the car. She laughed at her own misery. Seems like they weren't in position to even call themselves friends let alone family.

That night Tzuyu couldn't sleep at all. How could she when she had so much going in her head. Why do they have to lie to her it would have hurt her less if they just rejected her. The more she thought about it the more it hurt, because she remembers the days when they were still kids who were happy, where she could call them family.

Thinking about it, Tzuyu cried. Behind the close doors, alone in the dark, quietly sniffing, she cried all night. This girl who was crying alone that night was the same girl who had light in her eye and hope in her heart, she was the same girl who used to believe in fairy-tell such a shame she was struck by reality of demons.

She stopped crying but the pain was still there and that's when she noticed a cutter on the nightstand. Desperate to stop the pain in her heart she picked it up with shaking hands and dragged the metal across her skin. It was amusing how she turned her emotional pain to physical pain but it was less hurting. She found comforting how drawing made of silver turned red and reduced her pain.

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