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Horrible that's what Tzuyu feels right now. She has no intentions of getting up. All she feels is exhaustion both physically and mentally. There is no reason for her to get up. She was always an early riser but what happened now.

The only person she could talk to about her worries was, Nayeon. To Tzuyu she was someone whom she considered a confidant, the first to know about her worries, the one who she would have midnight deep talks. So, after some considerations she decided to knock on her unnie's room.

Standing infront of the door, she felt more nervous than she was in her room. It wasn't the first time she is going to talk to Nayeon, so why are her nerves skyrocketing, But deciding to shake off her nervousness, she knocked on the door, but there was no response. So she called out loud "Nayeon unnie" Again no response.

All of a sudden worry crept in her head. 'Is she okay inside? '. Out of worry she turned the knob of the door but before she could enter someone called from behind.

"May I know why are you going inside my room?" The cold voice asked her, she anxiously turned around to face the voice. "N-nayeon unnie I was worried about you since you didn't open the door" She was expecting some sort of reply to her answer but Nayeon just gave her a hum and moved past her entering straight into her room leaving the door open while Tzuyu timidly trailed behind her "Unnie I wanted to talk to you about something." She asked with a barely audible voice, but she knew the latter heard her when she looked up from her phone.

"Yeah what is it?" Nayeon questioned, for a moment Tzuyu's face beamed. Someone listens, someone cares. "Recently unnie I have feeling a bit sa-"

Before she could continue, Nayeon's phone rang and she picked it up with a smiling face. "Hey, what happened....... No, I am free......... Yeah, yeah I was talking with Tzuyu it was nothing important."

Hearing those words felt like someone sucked all oxygen out of her. 'nothing important?' She was talking about her feelings and her worries to a person she considered her only confidant and to that person she is not as important as thought she would be. She felt angry and used. The pain that touched her that time was more hurtful than what she made herself go through last night.

She silently went out of her room and made her way to her own. Locking the door she turned her eyes to the mirror and laughed.

People say Laughter is the best medicine so she laughed, until her tears streamed out, wiping her tears she still laughed. Slowly that laugh turned into strangled cough but she still laughed.

Laughed at her own misery, her pain, herself. She laughed as if the whole situation is funny, it's just a small joke and things would be good tomorrow. But most importantly, She laughed at her own misery, ridiculing herself.

All of a sudden she stopped. Then she cried, she cried so hard. Her vision went blur and she fainted.

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