The Sneaky Sugar Daddy

Start from the beginning

"Nothing. I just want to cut his balls that's all" Fantasia said after pouring a glass of red wine. Penda looked at her Fantasia had a serious look on his face. "you should write down his address I feel like fucking somebody up and his on top of my list" Fantasia said walking away.

Penda felt cared for and scared at the same time.
Later that night.
Penda waited for Fantasia to walk in that door...
She waited for hours and realized Fantasia wasn't coming. She got salty knowing she was up there fucking her wife.

Meanwhile, Fantasia was typing away on her computer. Bonnie was sleeping. Penda snuck in. Fantasia looked at her.
Penda came closer and pulled her laptop from her, looking at the screen. Then put it on her small study table she hopped on top of her. "you playing with fire" Fantasia whispered in her ear.
"let it burn me," Penda said kissing Fantasia.
Fantasia kissed her back.
They made out, Caressing each other's bodies.
Bonnie made a sudden move. Penda rapidly slipped off the sheets to hide on Fantasia's side of the bed.
"Hey, I thought I heard voices. What time is it?"
"after midnight. It was just me, reading out loud. Go to sleep" Fantasia said.
"Okay, but I wanna cuddle. Get in please" Bonnie said pulling the sheets but they were stuck. Penda!!

"what the hell!" she pulled. Penda's heart was pounding out of her chest. She carefully got off of them. Fantasia pulled them and got in, hiding Penda with the sheets. Bonnie breathed out, snuggling on her wife. Penda was stuck in the room, one wrong turn, Bonnie would see her.
Fantasia let out her hand and took Penda's hand. Penda squeezes her hand and kisses it. A soft, silent kiss.
But Fantasia felt that. Penda decided to write on the back of her hand.

Fantasia felt it. "Trapped!" she got that too. "Baby you sleeping I need to turn off the light, it's hurting my eyes"
Bonnie just moaned she was really sleepy.
Fantasia got up and turned off the light. Penda sneaked to the door. Fantasia blocked her way and kissed her hard then held a door for her. Penda got out. Fantasia heard her exhale loudly before she shut the door. She went back to letting her wife snuggle. "you smell funny,"
"yeah, like cheap ass fragrance mixed with your usual Fragrance. Did you try some cheap perfume? You smell like Rosey" Bonnie said laughing. "Uhm.. I was in her room."
Fantasia immediately took her phone.

*How much is the cologne you used to wear when you owned this house, you smelled good*

*You hate my new cologne,? I bet is a turn-off, I hate it too. It was 10k a bottle. I can't afford that now*

*I don't hate it, but it might get you in trouble. So stop using it,* Fantasia replied.

Penda's phone beeped twice.

It was the message and a notification for 10 grand in her account.
She jumped up and down on her bed, not because of the money but because Fantasia was definitely her sugar daddy.
*But daddy I can't buy expensive perfume while I'm homeless*

*You are not. Tomorrow when you go home, go pick up yourself and go to Rosey's. You will share her apartment. I will pay your rent. Please don't put on the cologne tomorrow, Bonnie's senses are out of the bag, haunting.*

*You smell really good, how much is whatever you putting on your body*

*Is not perfume. Is a body lotion you smell off me. It's from Paris, I used to endorse it because I mentioned it in my book, so after the death Scandal and prison I lost it. After recently they read my memoir and sent me a package. Unfortunately, I don't share it. I don't want everybody smelling the same as me,*

*Good, 'cause I love it on you and you alone. I miss you, can't you sneak out for a quick kiss?*

*I'm really thirsty but, she is really smothering me, I can't escape.*

The next Day.
Penda was up early, cleaning the house, and doing laundry while a chef was making Sunday brunch. She hasn't seen Fantasia all day. She heard Bonnie telling the chef that Fantasia was busy with her next novel.
While Bonnie was outside with the construction stuff. She ran upstairs to the master bedroom.

To her surprise, Fantasia was sleeping. Her laptop was on her lap, she must have fallen asleep. "Oh baby, you look tired as hell," Penda said taking the laptop from her. "You need a morning kiss?" Fantasia asked with her eyes closed. "And a hug. By the way is Penda, not your wife" Penda said. Fantasia grabbed her hand and pulled her on top. She fell on top of her. They chuckled. "I thought you mistaken me for your wife"
"she's tall. White, has a rough sexy voice. With blue eyes, yeah I see how I can make that mistake" Fantasia said she wasn't opening her eyes.
"cute description. And what's mine?"
Fantasia chuckled. "it's not a competition you know, one of you has a ring, one of you has my heart and one of you has my credit card," Fantasia said confusing Penda.
"by the way get in the closet. Find my blue and greyish fur coat. There is something for you in my pocket"
Penda sprinted there, making Fantasia smile.
She found a credit card.
"I can use this?"

"Carefully so but yes, my business is opening up and the old CEO is coming back. I don't have to run it. I can focus on my passion. So I would love for you to benefit as well, my wife is an accountant. So spend it recklessly she's gonna be on to us. But carefully like a grown-up with needs, then we good."

"what attracts you to her except that she's crazy? Is it the education?"
"No, if I wanted an educated woman I would marry myself damn it. I went to Stanford, I'm the most educated woman in the room, I mean I got another diploma in prison. Why would I wanna marry myself?"

"I don't know, I just, sometimes I feel stupid without a college education you know"
"You are not stupid. You are just not overly educated like most people, but it doesn't make you less attractive." Fantasia said. Penda played with her nails. Fantasia got out of bed.

"what is it you always wanted to do?"
"Be a businesswoman. Be a Hollywood actress." Penda said.

"You don't need education for that. Go to Hollywood, find out which classes they pay attention to, and enroll, like Julliard or something. They have those there. It's gonna be expensive classes, but if you invest in it. It will benefit you"
. "I tried that while I was on The Billionaires Wives. I went to enroll, but they told me I was too old, I was only 27 then. They wanted 24 and younger."

"That's bull shit. I'm sorry Penda" Fantasia said.
They heard heels clicking on the floor. "Oh damn it," Penda muttered and froze. Fantasia got in bed and pretended to be asleep.
The heels where approaching. Penda was not allowed to clean the master bedroom.

She looked around to find an excuse to be in there... Fantasia chuckled with her eyes closed again. "You gonna leave me to deal with this alone Fantasia do you even love me?"
Fantasia chuckled hard under her covers. Penda picked a pillow and whacked her with it.

To be continued...

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