☠︎︎ 21. Poetic ☠︎︎

Start from the beginning

"Is that how you realized you love me," Chay asked and took one of Kim's hands into his, putting a dandelion ring on Kim's ring finger.

"Yes," Kim replied, watching Chay putting a dandelion ring on his own finger as well and smiling at Kim.

"Now we are married," Chay giggled.

Kim silently reached out for Chay's hand and pressed a soft kiss on Chay's fingers, "one day I'll marry you, Chay. Do you want that?"

"First a love confession and now a marriage proposal. Slow down, that's too much for a day," Chay nervously laughed, hiding his head into Kim's neck.

"You get so affected by everything I say," Kim chuckled.

"Because I love you," Chay whispered, lips brushing over Kim's chin until they stopped at Kim's lips, giving him a gentle peck.

Kim put his hand on Chay's nape, soothingly playing with Chay's hair, "I want you to know that I need to get the Ruby Red back, but it's not because I still care about it. It's because I have to go back to take care of my crew, to find my mother... that's the only reason why I need it back."

"I know," Chay pecked Kim's lips again. "I'm no longer just the Ruby Red carrier, am I?"

"No, you aren't," Kim turned them around and locked Chay under him, kissing him deeply. Kim had never spent so much time with the same person. Never felt like he needed to touch, to kiss just to be able to continue with his day. But Chay was making him feel exactly like that. Whenever they touched, whenever they kissed, Kim's whole body screamed 'finally' as if he was starving for it. Waiting for it his whole life. And maybe he was. Maybe he was waiting for it for centuries.

Chay let Kim kiss him however he wanted to, fingers lazily dancing through Kim's hair. He loved the way Kim always kissed him as if Chay's lips were the uncharted part of the ocean and Kim wanted to memorize it all. He felt so seen with Kim's lips on his own. So admired.

When Kim's hand found its way under his t-shirt, Chay smiled into the kiss and gently pushed Kim away.

"We are outside."

"What did I do?" Kim asked innocently.

"Bad things!" Chay swatted Kim's hand away, making Kim laugh.

"Okay, okay, tell me how are we going to get the Ruby Red back, then?"

Chay sucked in his bottom lip, thinking, "hmm... the exhibition will be here for the next three weeks, but after that, it should be transported back where it came from. I think the only time we can get the Ruby Red is during the transport."

"Will it be transported by those weird boxes moving on the road?"

"Those boxes are called cars," Chay laughed. "And yes, that's how it will go. We just have to find the way how to become the crew that would be transporting the Ruby Red."

"And how are we going to do that?"

"Khum Lamon said that his daughter works in the museum. Maybe she'll know what company are they hiring for the transport. And if she does we'll pretend to be part of the company. And then during the transport, we'll accidentally put the Ruby Red into our pocket and disappear."

"Too many things need to go right for this to work," Kim sighed. "Are you sure I can't just break the glass?"

"No, captain, you can not," Chay shook his head, smiling.

"I really hate this century," Kim groaned.


— two weeks later —

"Wanna get into the water?" Kim stood up, looking down at Chay. They had been relaxing on the beach since sunset. Now it was almost midnight at the moon was shining brightly down at them.

Chay shook his head, "no, it's cold now."

Kim smirked down at him and Chay immediately knew where this was going. He shook his head again and tried to roll away from Kim, but Kim was faster. He scooped Chay into his arms and started walking with him towards the ocean.

"Kim... Kim no... Kiiiim!"

"Water's good for you darlin'," Kim laughed and walked with Chay right into the ocean.

Squealing, Chay pulled Kim down with himself. They both fell into the water, their hands never separating. Kim pulled Chay back into his arms, lips crushing together as they both sunk under the water. Chay's first underwater kiss. It was perfect.

Wrapping his arms around Kim's neck and his legs around Kim's waist, Chay pressed himself as close to Kim's warm body as possible, taking a deep breath as Kim pulled them back out of the water. "You are lucky I love you."

"Very lucky, I know," Kim smiled.

"Can we go back to the beach now?"

"Hmm, I don't know, can we?"

"We have to," Chay suddenly said, his behaviour changing completely.

"Chay, what's wrong?"

To be continued...

P.S. what could Chay see? 👀

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