Chapter 2

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It was such a beautiful day. Perfect weather, cool breeze, mild warm sunshine and friendly people who seems to be brimming with positivity as they smiled walking past me. Even the sky-high building before me seemed to be glowing like a beautiful painting. The glasses in it reflect the blue sky, extremely eye-catching among the other buildings. Taking a deep breath and praying the positive energy to continue through the whole day, especially in my interview, I walked into the said building. People were bustling here and their greeting their peers, enjoying a morning coffee, some gossiping and some rushing for work.

"Hello! I am here for the 2nd interview of Assistant manager for NightChords band."

"May I get your name please?" Replying to my inquiry the receptionist asks with a very business only smile.

"Shirley Angel!" I mentioned, offering my ID card along, taking her by surprise. "I heard about few recent incidents of fans faking their identities to sneak in and how the security has tightened since my last interview here." With my display of clear conscious, her smile turned more genuine this time.

"Please sign here and the floor is same as last time."

"10th floor then." I answered confidently to further prove my identity easing her wariness even more. The girl visibly sighed. Poor thing must have been tricked in various way for her to be this edgy. After signing the book she offered, I walked the familiar path, delivered the same greeting and took the same waiting seat as last time. After a short while I was invited into NightChords band's head manager's cabin.

"Welcome back Miss Shirley!" The manager greeted me enthusiastically, more than the last time.

"Just Shirley alone is fine Mr. Lawrence!"

"Ah huh... Sam, Just Sam" I smiled agreeing like last time, yet not quite taking it into consideration. It's hard for me to drop formalities with strangers. Even if I met them for three four times, they are still strangers in my book. I took the seat in the sofa he mentioned while he sat in the one across me.

"I need to inform this first Shirley, to protect our artists and their privacy we ran background checkups for all our interviewers, without their knowledge of course. That way we get more accurate information." Sam didn't look the least bit apologetic or guilty for intruding into my personal life.

"I expected that much when I applied for this job!" I wasn't the least bit worried knowing, first I haven't been in this country for much time to amount any bad records and second whatever the sources they could pull out to find my details won't lead to my imperfect personality stunts in the past.

"Perfect! Then there isn't much left but to run a trial day,"

"A trial day?" A what now? I questioned caught off-guard.

"Oh, it's nothing much, but just to tag along with the team members and see how well you cope up with their schedules." The nonchalant tone of his didn't do any justice to ease the sudden bomb he released on me. "Do you have any plans for the day?"

"No!" I still answered off mindedly, trying to process what he expects from me or whether I heard him right in the first place.

"So are available to spend a day with them?"

"Arrr.. Mr. Sam-"


"Yes that! I am so sorry, what I meant is this is so out of the blue and I kind of have plans for today. Today is the engagement of someone very important to me and I bailed it to attend this hopping I would be able to be there for her rest of the day when I am done with this interview. I am really sorry, but is it possible-"

"It's okay!" He said with a smile cutting off my ramblings.


"I mean I understand. It was an error from our side for failing to inform you about the trial day. So, we can plan it for another day!" Wow! They are this nice? Such a big company, yet so down to earth? I mean this is the company that owns the NightChords. NightChords! That's a huge deal. That band is the most famous one in the world with the biggest fanbase. Me being one among them. There are thousands lining in que for this opportunity. Yet here they are, willing to offer me a chance.

"That's really nice of you! It was quite unexpected."

"Oh no worries! We started from scratch with bunch of teenagers with no name. This is a place that is willing to offer a chance for those with talents and skills." As much as it all seemed unbelievable, it also made lot of senses if one looked at how they started from being a small company with zero reputation to a one that the whole world recognize. "Will you be available day after tomorrow for this whole test? Don't worry it's not like a school exam or anything. You just need to tag along with them."

"Certainly! I am more than happ-" I didn't get a chance to finish my sentence when the door to his cabin was opened with such a loud force and sound that even the glass of the door shattered into pieces. I almost screamed startled by the sudden incident. My body automatically reacted and stood up to pull distance by backing away far from that broken door when someone dressed in fully black from head to toe walked in or more like rushed in. The newcomer didn't even get a chance to take more than few steps into the room when a very familiar person appeared from behind and held him back. It was Luther! The leader of the NightChords. If the situation was otherwise my inner fangirl would be screaming in excitement in my mind. But my attention was caught on the person he was trying to pull away from the room. I failed to recognize who that was as he was wearing a black cap and a black mask over his face, barely exposing any skin on his face. Yet strangely enough his presence was demanding attention. Even when he was struggling to break free from Luther's grip and even when he kept turning his head towards me, completely ignoring the other two in the room and the gathering staff in the outside, I couldn't manage to get my eyes away from him.

"What is this?" Sam's pissed of tone snapped my attention back to the whole situation from that mysterious man.

"Not now Sam!" First, I was surprised at the tone Luther used on Sam. Second, I was even more surprised by the fact that as their manager, he didn't find it disrespectful or anything but calmed down his anger. And above that all the tone Luther used. It was so manly and his so leader like personality was shinning there. I wish Issy was here to fangirl with me, even in this totally confusing situation.

"Take him back!" I heard a new voice and noticed how Jin the oldest member of them walked out from behind Luther. He smiled at me, the still flabbergasted stranger before helping Luther to pull the struggling man away from our sight. Everything happened in less than few minutes. They came like a tornado and disappeared like wizards, leaving no trace but the broken glasses of the door and the still whispering staff outside the room. My mind was still trying to figure out who the person that was dressed in black when Sam informed me about how I needed not to be worried but to show up on Wednesday and et cetera. Honestly, I wasn't focusing enough to grasp what he was saying as my mind was still stuck in the sudden incident. When I finally somehow managed to get home despite my confusion, the only thing I remembered was, I need to go back there in two days. I prayed for a positive energy throughout the day. But I am note sure what kind of an energy that incident gave? It definitely was startling. But there was something about that unknow man keeps my mind infatuated of the incident.  

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