Chapter 4: Part I

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The current situation was not what he had anticipated, but Ethan demonstrated adaptability. Chris' education held great significance for him, and Ethan acknowledged and respected that. Simultaneously, Alex sought counsel from Owen, expressing reservations about the trustworthiness of Ethan. They harbored suspicions that he might be involved in his father's business dealings. Ethan had not disclosed his motivations for assembling them all to Owen and Alex, having only shared this information with Malcolm and Nathan. In light of this revelation, Alex and Owen engaged in a discussion, exchanging their perspectives on whether or not they could place their trust in him. Ethan seized the opportunity to gather intelligence pertaining to Chris' combat capabilities. He was intrigued by the means through which Chris had attained such a high level of proficiency. Chris disclosed that his stepfather was the catalyst behind his development. Contrary to his initial aspirations, Chris had harbored a desire to pursue a career in the arts. Ethan was compelled to inquire about the factors that had motivated Chris to persist in honing his combat skills. He subsequently ascertained that Chris' stepfather had passed away several years after the demise of his mother.

Nathan and Malcolm remained silent as Chris shared his personal history. Despite his stepfather's strictness, Chris held deep respect for him as his sole guardian. Chris's unwavering determination stemmed from his desire to fulfill his stepfather's expectations and ensure his safety. Ethan was thoroughly impressed by Chris's resolve. While Chris preferred to avoid confrontations, he possessed the remarkable ability to effectively defend himself against multiple adversaries if necessary. The presence of highly capable individuals such as Nathan and Chris was deemed crucial by Ethan in achieving his overarching goal. His vision involved the unification of all modern mutants across the globe, with the primary objective of safeguarding them against an unidentified threat. Ethan was completely unaware that his father was involved in the illicit trade of skilled adolescents to foreign military organizations.

Ethan's father closely monitored his son and his associates, with the exception of one individual whom he considered to be exceptionally dangerous. His function within Ethan's group was predominantly that of an external observer, rendering it challenging to supervise his activities. In fact, Raymond maintained discreet surveillance of Ethan's father and subordinates. The extent of his involvement surpassed the discoveries made by Owen and Alex independently. Raymond, however, was proactive in ensuring his brother's safety, as was Nathan in relation to his brother Owen. Despite his imprudence, Nathan's actions were motivated by a desire to protect Owen. Malcolm shared this aspiration as well, despite having the combat capabilities of his associates. However, with the strength he could provide, he would do whatever it takes for Alex. Malcolm has already lost one sister. Ethan's father organized a task force to apprehend Chris. They left at approximately the same time as Ethan and his companions. Ethan was specifically instructed not to be taken, as the objective was to apprehend the other three individuals.

Several weeks elapsed as Ethan and his colleagues remained with Chris, while Owen and Alex faced a similar threat. Ethan's father, exercising caution, had arranged for two private investigators to monitor their activities. Owen stayed in the residential property he and his brother had acquired, while Alex successfully evaded her pursuer. Her parkour skills proved instrumental in eluding further surveillance. The opportunity for mutual communication persisted, as both Ethan and Owen possessed information to convey. Additionally, Raymond had made a novel discovery that he wished to present to Ethan's attention, thereby validating Ethan's apprehension regarding the trustworthiness of his father. Chris encountered several obstacles in his pursuit of an academic degree. In the interim, Malcolm and Nathan decided to spend time together. Ethan stayed with Chris to provide assistance with his studies. Chris had an upcoming academic break. During this period, he consented to accompany Ethan to meet the other individuals. Chris would assume the role of a part-time member within the group.

Prior to the commencement of his academic hiatus, Chris and Ethan engaged in a confrontation with two seasoned military personnel. Nathan and Malcolm unexpectedly encountered two soldiers who were covertly following them. The ensuing physical altercation proved to be particularly challenging for both Chris and Nathan, as their adversaries possessed a significant advantage in terms of age and prior combat experience. Despite this disparity, Chris and Nathan demonstrated remarkable resilience and successfully neutralized their respective opponents. Following their reunion, Ethan suggested that the group remain together for the interim period. Chris had one week remaining before his departure with Ethan and the others. The situation caused Ethan concern regarding the well-being of Alex and Owen back home. However, unbeknownst to Ethan and the others, Alex and Owen were in a satisfactory state. Alex effectively executed a sabotage operation against the private investigator who was hired to monitor Owen's movements. This successful action provided them with an opportunity to conceal their whereabouts. In light of the recent developments, Ethan's father expressed profound displeasure, resulting in a postponement of the previously arranged transaction with the United States government. Ethan's team was poised to assume the role of an elite unit comprised of adolescent operatives.

Modern Mutants By Cameron Devon Cole (@R3belSix)Where stories live. Discover now