-May I?- she asked, almost breathless, grabbing the bottom of Becky's shirt.

-Please,- she replied, raising her arms to make it easier for Freen to remove it.

The shirt was history, and Freen remained breathless for a few seconds when her eyes lowered to look at her. Becky's chest rose and fell.

-Be..- she began to speak, but Becky caught her lips again while raising her arms to even the conditions. When Freen dropped her shirt to the floor and Becky pulled away from her to breathe, their eyes connected as if they were seeing each other for the first time.

-Are you okay?- Becky asked, trying to make her voice sound as calm as possible.

-Truth be told, no,- she said. She smiled at the change in Becky's expression. -I'm a mess,- she put her hands back under her buttocks and pulled her towards her as much as she could. -I'm,- she continued as she put her nose under Becky's ear and started giving small kisses towards her neck, -completely,- she continued slowly, leaving all her warmth near her throat and reaching her collarbone, -lost,- she went down a little further reaching Becky's sternum, making a path with her tongue while her hands went up the girl's back until she unhooked her bra.

Becky had never felt such a surge of sensations. She was completely disconnected from her brain. Everything was now for and about her senses; Freen's smell, her voice, the warmth she emitted, how tightly she was hugging her, the sensation of her teeth on her shoulder. She threw her head back while Freen kissed the profile of her jaw to return to her lips. Becky was no longer in control of her actions, not anymore. That kiss was completely surrendered to madness, and when their tongues met, a growl erupted from her throat causing Freen's whole body to vibrate.

Becky got rid of Freen's upper underwear and hugged her completely, still on her lap, and her whole body came into contact with the girl's. It was that moment that Freen took advantage of to turn her over and lay her on the bed, with her practically on top.

-Wow, that was quite a move- Becky said, smiling as she tried to catch her breath.

-One has her secrets,- she replied. She looked Becky in the eyes, and all she saw was excitement. Not a trace of doubt, nothing. Only anticipation and longing. -I'm crazy about you- she whispered. Becky's skin prickled all over.

-I'm crazy about you too, Freen. I always have been.-

-Good, good... It would have been terrible to find out otherwise at this moment,- Freen said.

-You're such an idiot...- Becky whispered, pulling her to kiss her again.

Freen pressed against her, running a hand over her back to pull her towards her body. Becky arched to seek more contact while placing her hand behind Freen's nape, who with her fingers traced a trail of caresses from her neck, down her chest, and abdomen. When she reached the waistband of Becky's pajama pants, she gave a small tug that made Becky laugh.

-Do you want your pajamas back already?- Freen asked, with flushed cheeks, as she nodded while standing up to get rid of those checkered pants. Seeing Becky only covered by that tiny garment hugging her hips was a revelation. She was there on her bed, with her hair slightly tousled and her eyes shining like two stars; lips parted in a smile and breathing heavily.

-You're probably the most beautiful thing I've ever seen,- Freen whispered, not quite sure if she was thinking out loud. The color of Becky's cheeks intensified. She rose to her knees in front of Freen. She positioned herself in front of her, very close, so close she could feel the girl's breath brushing her lips. She took one of Freen's hands and brought it to her underwear, slipping it under the fabric. Freen stifled a cry as she felt it.

-I think this might give you an idea of what you mean to me- Becky gasped.

What happened from that moment on felt like a torrent of emotions between the two that was impossible to describe. They no longer spoke, because there was really no need to say anything else. The few items of clothing they had left fell one after the other to the sides of the bed, and the moment Becky put all her weight on Freen's body and they could connect every inch of their skin, they felt an explosion that made the universe vibrate. Their hands were everywhere, and in no time their tongues had explored every possible path. Their lips met intermittently, and each time they did, it seemed like centuries had passed since the last.

Becky remained on top, surrendered to one of those kisses that seemed like the first and the last at the same time. She lowered her hand down the girl's chest, pausing for a few seconds, paying attention to what she was asking for by arching her back. She continued down until her hand disappeared between Freen's legs, who reacted by biting Becky's lip with a bit more force than planned. Becky sighed at feeling Freen in that way. Her hand slid with such ease that she barely had to think about the movement, and the only thing anchoring her to reality were Freen's hands pressing against her back.

-Becky...- Freen said, her voice choked. -Please. Stop torturing me,- she laughed.

-Oh,- Becky smiled, -I thought I had just started,- she said as her fingers moved slowly downward.

-Well, in that case,- Freen managed to slip her hand between her own thigh and Becky's, who had to bite her lips to keep from making a sound. -Let's begin.-

They looked into each other's eyes for a few seconds, and their noses brushed without breaking eye contact. It could be said that it was a team work because their hands slid in simultaneously. And without roughness but without hesitation, both entered each other at the same time, and the rest of the universe simply disappeared.


FAR FROM ERIS  • FreenBecky •Where stories live. Discover now