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-Well, well. Looks like you don't waste any time, huh?-
-Nam!- Freen almost shouted her name. -But what are you doing here?- she said, practically jumping into her arms, leaving the girl completely bewildered. -But, but,- she seemed confused, -I don't understand. What are you doing here?-
-Well, hello to you too. How much caffeine have you had, Freen?- Nam said, smiling.
-Just a chocolate, but it seems like I'm five years old and now I'm hysterical,- she said, waving her hands as if to downplay it. -But come in, come in- she stepped aside. -Are you going to tell me what you're doing here?-
-Well, my vacation got moved up a week, so I thought, why not come back to see my friend who I suspect has some news to tell me,- she looked at her with wide eyes.
-News?- Freen said, looking around distractedly. -Well, not much, really. Don't get your hopes up.-
-Come on, Freen! I just saw you kissing Miss Flower Shop!- Nam applauded, smiling. -Heng was right.-
-Wait, what do you mean, Heng?- Freen asked, confused.
-Nothing, a long story.-
-But nothing. Right now, you're telling me absolutely everything.-
-You talk to Heng about me?- Freen asked, trying to process that Nam was there and knew things.
-Well, of course we talk about you. What else would we talk about?- her friend said as she settled on the couch. Freen followed her.
-I don't know, when you were here, it seemed like you two...-
-It wasn't that big of a deal, actually. In fact, we were almost always talking about you,- Freen raised her eyebrows. -But let's get to the important stuff: Rebecca. Spill it.-
-I don't know what you want me to say,- she said, feeling the heat rise in her cheeks. -You've already seen it.-
-Yes, but honestly, that didn't seem like a first kiss to me- she smiled. -So come on, from the beginning.-

Freen told her, in a light version, avoiding describing in detail how she felt every time Becky touched her, what had happened since they dropped her off at the airport a few weeks ago. Nam listened intrigued, excited, and above all, happy. Happy to see her friend finally returning from that secluded place where she had been hiding for years.

-I'm so happy for you, Freen,- she finally said, her eyes glassy. -Really. You have no idea.-
-Well... we haven't talked much about what happened. I don't know what she thinks, or what she wants. Or if she even wants anything more- she admitted. Freen's phone suddenly vibrated on the table, and the screen lit up. Freen glanced at it, unable to help but smile.

-Uh-huh. Fifteen minutes after dropping you off,- she pointed to the phone. -Looks like she's not interested in you at all- Nam said, trying to contain her laughter at Freen's expression as she read Becky's message.

-She only texts me to tell me she's home.-

-Sure... of course. Can I read it?- she raised her eyebrows.

Nam was like that. She had always been like that, and it was one of the things Freen adored about her. They knew each other perfectly, and Nam knew where Freen's boundaries were. Freen, for her part, knew that Nam didn't even have any

 -I mean, she's just informing you, right? It's to know if I need to worry about her breaking your heart or not.-

Freen laughed and handed her the phone, sighing. She couldn't refuse even if she tried.

-I'm home now. Although, well, after having you here, everything seems strangely empty. I can't wait to see you. I hope I don't sound crazy and cheesy, but I would have wanted to kiss you until I fell asleep. Goodnight, Just Freen- Nam read the message aloud as Freen closed her eyes and pressed her lips together, trying to disappear into the ground at that moment. She slowly opened one eye, expecting to meet Nam's gaze, who sighed as she placed the phone on the table. -Okay, I think I should worry more about you breaking her heart.-

-Did you leave Freen at home?- Patty asked, closing the book she was reading and placing it on her lap.
-Yeah, she's already there- Becky replied, knowing that this was the first of a series of questions from the elderly woman. -I know you're going to ask me a million things, but it's just that...-

-Rebecca is fine, it's okay,- the old woman sighed. -I knew that sooner or later, this would happen. I just want you to remember what we talked about.-

-I know, I know. I remember. I shouldn't tell Freen that I knew her before coming here- she whispered. -Something happened today, actually,- she remembered. -I wouldn't know how to explain what, but something happened when she went to change clothes in the bathroom.- The old woman put the book on the table and looked at her, urging her to continue. -I don't know what happened, but she was fine, and suddenly I heard her scream. I ran to the bathroom, and the door was closed, but I could hear her crying and saying things I couldn't understand,- she lowered her gaze to the floor with concern. -She was like that for almost ten minutes; a little more, and I would have broken down the door. Then she came out and didn't want to talk about it. As if nothing had happened.-

Patty looked at the girl with a mixture of concern and compassion that Becky didn't know how to identify. She imagined she felt sorry for Freen.
-And you say that happened when she was changing clothes?- she finally asked.
-Yes... But what does that have to do with anything, really?- Becky was confused.
-Nothing, nothing. I was just trying to get an idea of the situation- she said thoughtfully. -But anyway... Do you want to tell me what's going on between you two?- she asked finally. Becky suddenly became nervous.
-Um... I don't know, I mean, I don't know if there's an 'us' or what.-
-Well, it seemed that way to me all day long- she raised an eyebrow with a playful expression.
-Well... let's see. Maybe something did happen,- Becky didn't know where to look or what to do with her hands. -But I don't want to rush into things. I know Freen has her timing.-
-I just want you to be happy, Rebecca. And honestly, I think Freen deserves it too.-
-I know, I know,- she said, shaking her head. -I wouldn't hurt her for anything in the world.-
-I'm sure of that, darling,- the old woman affirmed. -Just be careful, okay?-
-I will, Patty, I promise.-

Becky went to her bedroom; she was exhausted and needed to sleep. Patty, however, had stayed awake after her conversation with the girl. Her fears seemed to be coming true, and as she suspected, the closeness between the two girls could trigger Freen's memory. Most likely, that's what had happened in that bathroom, and Patty was practically convinced that everything had started from that moment Freen entered the living room that morning wearing that shirt. If the girl started to remember, it was only a matter of time before the questions came to light. And that, with Rebecca so present in her life, could unleash absolute chaos.


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