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-So Heng, are you going to tell me about the bet? -

Becky finally managed to steer the conversation where she wanted it. They had been in that bar for an hour, and the table was littered with beer bottles. Heng cleared his throat.

-Well, basically Irin and I made a bet when we returned from the forest cabin - he explained - I said that you two would be together before the Festival started, while Irin said that wouldn't happen until the Evening of the Stars-

-The Evening of the Stars? - asked Becky.

-It's the last night. After the open mic session, which is actually the main attraction of all the activities, everyone who wants to sleeps outdoors in the park. The town Hall turns off all the lights so that the stars can be seen. It's quite beautiful-

-And can you tell me why you chose that night, Irin? - Freen asked.

-Well, it doesn't really matter now, Heng won - defended the girl. - Are you going to give us details?-

-Not a chance - said Freen, finishing her fourth beer bottle feeling a bit dizzy.

-I tried last night but didn't get much - said Nam - maybe we're trying to squeeze information from the wrong side - she pointed at Becky with her head.

-So, what do you want to know exactly? - said Becky, who was leaning against the wall with one leg bent up on the chair.

-Details, details - said Heng - Who made the move?-

-It was me - Becky replied.

-Eh, no, sorry, it was me - Freen suddenly intervened, offended.

-I recall being the one who kissed you, Freen - said Becky, raising her eyebrows.

-Yes, but I was the one who ran to find you in the rain-

-Ah, my God, like in The Notebook - said Nam, putting a hand on her chest and tilting her head back - Did you jump and Becky lifted you up?-

-But how would she lift me up? Have you seen her? - asked Freen, inadvertently playing along with Nam.

-I could lift you up perfectly - said Becky, still looking surprised.

-That remains to be seen - said Freen, amused, narrowing her eyes.

-Yeah, I wouldn't mind seeing that, to be honest - said Heng.

-Heng! - Irin threw the cap of one of the beer bottles at him.

-Leave him, Irin, I'd like to see it too - said Nam.

Amid laughter and dodged questions, everyone agreed that maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea to move the gathering to the pub. Freen would have refused on any other occasion, but she felt Becky's hand intertwining with hers, giving her the courage to do it. Freen didn't usually go to those kinds of places anymore. Since that night on the bridge, she avoided crowds, alcohol, and really everything related to the faint memory she had of that fateful moment. But now there was Becky, and she made Freen want to experience it all over again.

There were people, not too many because it wasn't the weekend, but enough for the heat to be felt upon entering. The music was loud, and everything was bathed in a blue light that transported you directly to the feeling of having clearly drunk more than you should. And Heng didn't help much in making that just a feeling when he appeared with five shots that none of the girls had ordered.

-Heng, you know that when shots start being ordered, the night is going downhill - said Irin.

-Decadence also has its charm, Irin. Enjoy today while you can - he handed one to each of them. Freen smelled it and made an indescribable face, while Becky laughed - I toast to Nam, who has returned. To Irin, so she survives this week. To Freen, who finally left her apartment. And to Becky, simply for existing.-

Everyone laughed and toasted. That was the first shot of many, and Freen felt like her whole body was floating. She couldn't remember the last time she felt like this. Probably the night of the bridge, while she was with Nam in that bar. She looked at her friend dancing and laughing with Heng and smiled. But soon her smile turned into a grimace of pain when a terrible pang shook her head. She moved away from the group a little, leaned against the wall, and crouched down, hiding her head between her arms. The pain was unbearable, just like the one she felt in the bathroom of the Flower Shop. And then flashes of disjointed images began to appear in her mind, like disordered slides. The bar. Nam with a beer in her hand, dancing and laughing. Her saying goodbye to Nam. Her walking down the street. Her untying the plaid shirt tied around her waist. The shirt.

That shirt.

She felt a hand around her shoulders, and the movement of her body through the crowd. Then the noise subsided as if she had suddenly plunged into water. The water. The water sounded loud like a raging river. Another pang in her temple. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she felt someone lift her and sit her on the bathroom counter, making her lean her back against the wall. And then she began to feel the cold on her forehead, on her cheeks, on her neck.

-Freen - she heard in the background. It was Becky's voice again. Her voice pulling her out of it as if she were a rope and Freen were in a well. - Freen, please, come back - Becky's voice sounded desperate, and Freen's heart sank.

She made a huge effort to open her eyes and found herself in the bathroom. It took her a while to focus on Becky, who was between her legs, looking at her with concern.

-Freen? - she seemed about to burst into tears.

-Becky...what happened? - she asked confused.

I don't know. Suddenly I lost sight of you, and when I finally found you, you were almost on the floor. I didn't have time to tell anyone because I didn't want to leave you alone - Becky's voice trembled. - I didn't know what to do...-

-Hey, it's okay - Freen finished opening her eyes - Becky, look at me - she lifted Becky's head, who was looking at the floor trying not to cry - I'm fine. I'm fine. I promise you. Come here - she said, pulling the girl towards her and hugging her. She rested her chin on Becky's head and sighed.

-I have to eat my words by the way- said Freen after a couple of minutes hugging. - You can lift me up. - Becky smiled.

-You silly... - she scoffed - Freen, really. I need you to talk to me, to tell me what's wrong with you. Is this what happened to you in the bathroom the other day? -

-Yes...I guess it was something like that too. I don't know what's wrong with me, Becky. I can't explain it.-

-Have you seen a doctor? -

-It really only happened to me these two times, I hadn't thought it was necessary -

-And do you plan to go? - the girl asked.

-I don't know. I don't have a very good experience with doctors, and I don't know if I want them to prescribe me a thousand pills again and tell me I'm hallucinating things - she confessed. It hurt Becky's heart - I think we should leave - she added before the girl had a chance to reply - They must be betting on one of us getting pregnant in this bathroom -

Becky smiled as she helped Freen down from the counter. But the cloud of worry in her chest hadn't dissipated, nor did it seem likely to in the next few hours.


FAR FROM ERIS  • FreenBecky •Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt