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Freen had her eyes open long before the alarm on her mobile phone rang that morning. Anyone would have thought she would sleep late after staying up until four in the night staring at the ceiling wondering why she told Becky she couldn't go to the Flower Shop with her. She had to go to work at the bookstore, that was true. But it was also true that she could have told Irin that she would be absent that morning for personal matters. Although Freen didn't know when Becky had become her own business.

The girl was pretty, yes. But was she at the point of appreciating that? No, she wasn't. It was more like curiosity. The need to know more. To identify that strange familiarity she felt from the moment she saw her come out of that back room.

And well, she was pretty. She was incredibly pretty.

Freen estimated that Becky must be about six or seven centimeters shorter than her. She had hazel eyes and light brown hair, just resting on her shoulders, and she still visualized how she was dressed the night before, with a white T-shirt - tight on Freen, very tight - tucked into her straight jeans and a long dark gray coat rather informal. She still saw her walking away with her hands in her back pockets with that kind of disappointment in her eyes at the rejection of accompanying her the next day.

-What a face you bring- Irin said when Freen took off her sunglasses after entering the bookstore. -Anyone would think you were out partying last night.-

-No way, I don't even remember what that was like.-

-Then what? True Crime marathon?-

-I couldn't sleep with so much noise- Freen said, pointing to her head. She sighed. -How's everything around here?-

-Well, you know. Organizing the Art Festival, which with the presentation of your book had been somewhat neglected.-

-Damn, that's true. I completely forgot about it. Sorry Irin, I've been very distracted these last few months.-

-Don't worry. It's totally normal. Hey, and did you finally manage to give the book to Patty?-

Freen's stomach turned. Damn it, thinking about Becky again. -Uh... yeah, I did manage to get it to her- she said absentmindedly trying to end the conversation there.

-And how is she, huh?-

Well, no, it wasn't going to end there. Freen sighed. -Well... I don't really know.-

-But how did you give her the book then?- Irin raised an interrogative eyebrow.

-Um... let's see. I went to the Flower Shop and there was a girl there who's going to take over now, and she told me she would give it to her.- Freen blurted out all that information at an astonishing speed while tidying up the stack of books on the table in front of her.

-Wait, what?-

-Yeah, well, this girl, Rebecca, she gave the book to Patty. End of story.-

-Freen, I'm not understanding anything. Who is Rebecca?-

-I think Rebecca is me- a voice was heard near the door that Freen immediately recognized. She could swear her knees weakened a bit as she tried to turn in the direction of the voice.

The girl walked among the tables until she reached Irin's level. Freen wasn't sure if she was still breathing. Becky looked at her for a few seconds directly in the eyes and smiled before turning her attention back to Irin.

-Pleased to meet you- she said, shaking her hand. -I hope I haven't made you feel uncomfortable with my predictable romantic movie interruption just as you were talking about me.-

Freen wished the floor would swallow her and spit her back out at her apartment.

-No, of course not. In any case, it would be a suspense movie because Freen still hasn't told me anything- said Irin. Becky laughed, and that sound shook Freen, bringing her back to reality.

FAR FROM ERIS  • FreenBecky •Where stories live. Discover now