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Irin was unloading the fourth box from her car at the bookstore's door. She had been running around all day finalizing permits and paperwork for the festival structures. Sometimes she wondered why she had ended up taking charge of it when ninety percent of the time it was a problem of incalculable proportions. But Irin really thrived on those kinds of challenges. Otherwise, she wouldn't have hired Freen.

Although she had never been honest with the girl, Irin had been somewhat obsessed with Freen shortly after meeting her. It wasn't too difficult to notice her, with that tormented aura and that half-smile that never fully expanded. She was glad when that nonsense passed because having a crush on Freen wasn't at all operational given their working relationship. She didn't know exactly when it happened, maybe it was when Freen allowed her to read the first chapters of her manuscript, but at some point Irin understood that Freen was the kind of person who wasn't available. And she didn't have time or desire to suffer, so in a remarkably mature act, she got over it.

-A penny for your thoughts,- Heng said suddenly in her ear.
-Gosh, Heng, you scared me- she said.
-Do you need help?-
-I needed it fifteen minutes ago when all these boxes were still packed in my car,- she said, raising an eyebrow, -but now that you're here, you could help me get all this inside.-
-Do you need us to lend a hand?- Nam chirped in.
-Nam!- Heng exclaimed. -Are you already here? You weren't kidding when you said you needed to see what was going on with Becky with your own eyes. I'm fascinated.-
-But do we have official confirmation?- Irin asked, wide-eyed.
-No, not yet,- Heng sighed.
-Well, actually, yes,- Nam said, making both of them look up in surprise.
-What?!- Heng jumped. -Tell us everything. Now.-
-I don't know too much, but enough. Oh, and I saw a kiss,- she said.
-My goodness, I'm going to faint- Heng dramatized. -What kind of kiss was it? I need details.-
-The kind : wow, these people are really into each other type of kiss- Nam replied, rolling her eyes. -Freen didn't tell me much. Have you seen her today?-
-No, I haven't been here all day. She must be inside,- Irin nodded towards the bookstore door with a tilt of her head. -I don't know if it was a good idea to share your wisdom; now I won't be able to hide it from her.-
-Well, no need to hide. If she's old enough to be kissing Becky around, she's old enough to endure her friends being excited about it,- Nam said.
-Well said- Heng agreed.

Freen's gaze automatically lifted when she heard the door's bells. Her time to leave was approaching, and unconsciously, she hoped Becky would appear any moment now. But it wasn't Becky. Irin, Heng, and Nam entered, each carrying a couple of boxes, chatting animatedly among themselves.

-Well, my three favorite people- Freen said from behind the counter.
-Liar- Nam whispered, making the other two laugh. -Freen, darling. How are you?-
-Um... fine, I guess.-
-Busy?- Irin asked.
-Nothing special, just the usual,- Freen said, distractedly looking towards the door.
-Are you expecting someone?- Heng asked.
-Huh? No.-
-Are you sure?-
-She told you, didn't she?- Freen looked at Nam with her arms crossed over her chest.
-In my defense, they were just waiting for confirmation. They knew much more than I did- Nam said.
-But what did you guys know, anyway?- Freen asked, surprised. -Nothing happened between Becky and me.-
-Nothing you were aware of, it seems- Heng said. -Like Irin and I had actually made a bet. I won by the way.-
-Oh really? And what kind of bet was that?-
Nam screamed, and they all jumped in fright at the question coming from the door.
-Becky definitely knows how to make an entrance,- Irin whispered. -The knack for showing up in the middle of conversations that concern her must be a natural gift,- she joked, addressing the girl.
-I could list the number of times my mother has told me that throughout my life- she said, approaching the group of friends. -Hello, everyone. Nam, I'm so glad to see you again,- she smiled genuinely, and her eyes traveled over each of the conversation members until they reached Freen. -Hey, hi.-

Freen felt like melting, and all the embarrassment and anger she had felt two minutes ago while dodging questions turned into that whirlwind of emotions in her stomach upon seeing Becky.

-Hey- she replied.

Everyone fell silent, watching the two girls who remained silent as if nothing else existed around them. Freen hadn't planned for her reunion with Becky, after almost twenty-four hours without seeing her, to have an audience, and she was making a great effort not to approach and bury her nose in the girl's neck. God, how she missed her.

-Well, I didn't feel like I was this out of place since that meeting where there were four of us and they proposed a threesome,- Nam said.
-Do you guys want to go get a drink? That way, we can celebrate Nam's return and the last night before the Festival slavery begins,- Heng suggested, trying to change the subject.
-I think it's a great idea. I need a beer- Irin headed for the door. -Freen, are you closing up, and we'll see you there, right?-
-Huh?- Freen continued to look at Becky, not paying much attention to the conversation.
-Yes, Irin, don't worry. We'll catch up- Becky answered for her. -We'll join you.-

Nam's look at Freen was priceless. Her friend had said she didn't know what she had with Becky, and she didn't even know if the girl wanted anything more with her, but Becky seemed to be acting quite similar to a girlfriend. The three left the bookstore after yelling the name of the bar they were heading to, and the door rang as it closed.

-Hello- Becky said again.
-Hey, Bec- Freen whispered, making the girl's hair stand on end. -How are you?-
-Fine, fine. And you?-
-Now that you saved me from the third degree they were subjecting me to, better,- Freen laughed. 

-I guess that means our clandestine affair is over?- Becky asked.

-We've been discovered- Freen said dramatically. -Now we'll have to flee to Mexico.-
-Wait, isn't that when you want to escape from a crime?-
-Well, whatever, the point is to go to Mexico.-
-Oh well, if it's to go to Mexico then yes, let's leave right now,- Becky said convincingly, completely into her role. -Should I pack my suitcase?-
-I don't know if you'll need much clothes,- Freen blurted out without thinking. She suddenly felt heat rising in her cheeks, and Becky laughed at Freen's spontaneity.
-In that case,- she said, stepping closer to the girl who was still trying not to explode with embarrassment, -let's go now- she whispered very close to her lips as she put her hands around Freen's waist.

Freen suddenly became nervous and trembled at the touch of Becky's lips on hers. She had longed to feel that again since the moment she saw Becky's car driving away down the road. She had become addicted to that feeling and now needed it all the time. She wrapped her arms around Becky's waist and pressed her forehead against hers, gently brushing her nose against Becky's.

-You have no idea how much I wanted to see you- Freen whispered finally.
-I have an idea- Becky replied, closing the distance between them by finally joining their lips in a slow and apparently simple kiss. Like a way of saying hello. With that strangely acquired familiarity in just a few hours. Neither of them understood how they had reached that point so quickly, but they didn't want to waste time asking questions.

-Shall we?- Becky asked after several minutes without separating their bodies even an inch.
-Do you feel like joining the others?-
-Yes, I actually haven't been out in a while- she shrugged.
-Okay- Freen smiled. -I'll close up, and then we'll go.-


FAR FROM ERIS  • FreenBecky •Where stories live. Discover now