-Freen, seriously, what are you doing here?- but Becky didn't finish the sentence, because she was surprised when Freen grabbed the hand that was on her face and held it between hers, without taking her eyes off Becky's eyes, she lowered it until she placed it on her chest.

Becky followed Freen's hands as they guided her own hand to the center of the girl's chest, on top of that sun drenched by the rain where Becky could perfectly feel her erratic heartbeats and her lungs trying to adjust to the rhythm.

-You can have it if you want, Becky- Freen finally said, breaking the silence. Becky parted her lips in surprise and smiled. -This organ hasn't been stolen by anyone yet.-

Becky felt her heart racing and her whole body understanding what was about to happen. She knew she wasn't in control of her actions anymore, and her ability to reason had jumped out of the window. Now there was only Freen. Freen looking directly into her eyes, letting her into that world so uniquely hers and so hermetic. Freen holding her hand as if clutching to a lifebuoy in the middle of the sea. Freen trusting her like Becky knew she hadn't trusted anyone in years. Freen.

Freen was everything in that moment.

Becky squeezed her hand against Freen's and took a small step forward to get closer. Even though Freen was completely soaked, Becky could feel the warmth emanating from her body and the slight vibrations probably caused by nervousness. She moved a little closer, slightly afraid that Freen would step back, but she didn't. She didn't. Becky closed the distance between them, and Freen kept her gaze fixed on Becky's eyes until her gaze yielded and dropped to the girl's lips. And then Becky couldn't hold back any longer and gently but without hesitation caught Freen's lips between hers.

If there were thunder outside, what happened in Becky's chest at that moment had to be something like a cataclysm. She was kissing Freen, and Freen wasn't pulling away, quite the opposite. When their lips made contact, Freen squeezed her hands again on the hand that Becky still had on her chest, and savored the slowness with which Becky held that moment as if asking for permission to continue. Permission that Freen was certainly willing to grant, so after a few seconds, she opened her lips slowly, still feeling Becky's on hers, and felt how the girl smiled at that movement, putting the hand that was free on Freen's lower back to pull her closer.

Freen felt like she was going to faint. She let go of her hands from their grip on her chest and passed them around Becky's head to the back of her neck, while the girl wrapped her waist with both arms. When she became aware of the contact of their bodies, she let out an involuntary gasp against Becky's lips, who trembled at the sensation, feeling her knees weaken.

-Becky...- Freen said without completely pulling away. -Becky, your clothes are getting wet.-

-I'm not going to say what came to my mind with that comment,- murmured Becky, capturing Freen's lips again. This time without delicacy, causing a wave of excitement in Freen that caught her completely off guard, as if lightning had struck her from the nape of her neck to the lowest part of her belly. She responded to that kiss in a way she didn't know she was capable of. She lowered her hands down Becky's back as she pushed her slowly backwards towards the table in the center of the store, and when Becky hit it, Freen ran her hands over her waist, helping her sit with her legs open, settling between them and pressing herself completely against the girl without breaking the kiss for a moment.

They were out of breath. Becky had one hand resting on the table to keep from falling backward from the force of the kiss, and the other behind Freen's head to prevent her from moving away even a millimeter. It was the first time she had kissed her, and she was already completely sure that it was going to become an addiction for her. Freen hugged Becky, and she wrapped her waist with her legs while letting out a moan at that collision. They needed to breathe.

-I told you breathing was important,- Becky said, separating her lips from Freen's just enough to be able to speak.

-Well, I think after today it could move to the second place of necessary things to survive,- Freen replied, still with her eyes closed.

-And the first?- the girl said, smiling as she watched Freen begin to open her eyes to look at her. Their eyes went straight to each other, and then down to her mouth where they stayed for several seconds.

Freen bit her lip slightly as she raised her gaze again to meet Becky's eyes once more.

-The first is clearly dry clothes,- she said, laughing. Becky laughed with her, pressing their foreheads together, and in the middle of that laughter, she connected her lips with Freen's again. For God's sake, how was she going to be able to stop kissing her at some point?

-Come on, let's find you something,- Becky said, getting off the table. -I'm sure I have some clothes here for painting.-

Freen watched her disappear behind the counter as she ran her hands through her wet hair. Suddenly, she thought that everything she had in her pockets must be just wet as well, and she started taking things out. The house keys, the wallet she had grabbed in a hurry before leaving, a couple of gum wrappers she never found the right time to throw away, several tickets - what a habit to accumulate them - and the cell phone.

In a reflexive movement, she unlocked it to check her notifications, and the last thing she had seen before venturing out in the rain was still open.

00:48 Freen:

So, do you think with my daze there will be any organ left un-stolen?

1:03 B🐦💌:

I suppose this means you're not tired of me, right?

1:04 Freen:

I'm just curious. I wonder what kind of Doctor Frankenstein you are when it comes to choosing body parts.

1:04 B🐦💌:

I have a slight suspicion you know what I would like to keep.

1:04 Freen:

Pancreas, clearly.


1:47 Freen:



Freen: Last seen 3:36

4:03 B🐦💌:

The heart, Freen.

I would keep your heart.



FAR FROM ERIS  • FreenBecky •Where stories live. Discover now