"And what's that thing back there got to do with it?" Cisco asks.

"You know, it doesn't matter. Kadabra picked the wrong day to come back." Barry argues.

"I'll put out a BOLO right away." Joe states.

"You wanna help me analyze some of this stuff?" Cisco asks Chester.


"I'll search the city." Barry says and when his friends are gone he goes back to the victim. He shakes his head knowing that one of their worst villains is back to haunt them. He never forgot what Kadabra said regarding Anna, especially since he witnessed what happened to Anna in the future.

Back at S.T.A.R. Labs, the team throwing out ideas on how to deal with Kadabra. "We could do a release date order." Cisco suggests.

"Or machete order." Chester adds.

"Prequels after Empire." The two friends laugh. "You're wild man, and I love it."

"Then the Jedi Counsel has spoken." Chester states dramatically.

"It has." Cisco chimes in.

"Getting anything on your scans over there?" Chester asks as Cisco tosses a chip in the air and it misses his mouth completely.

"No." Cisco sits up and tries to compose himself. "I think it might be time for a Jitters run."

"Well, thank God, 'cause Chester P is running on E." Something beeps getting Cisco's attention.

"Holy cappuccino. Are you seeing what I'm seeing?" Cisco asks Chester. Chester comes over to see what Cisco is looking at.

"That's the same temporal scan from this morning, only now that's a second one downtown. Which means..."

"That's where Kadabra's headed next." Cisco contacts Barry and together as Flash and Vibe they race to the scene where Kadabra is leaving another one of his obelisks. Barry is able to place cuffs on Kadabra stopping him from wrecking more havoc.

"Flash, I knew it was just a matter of time." Kadabra comments.

"Bad timing for you." Flash replies.

"Yeah, those would be nanotech nullifying cuffs, so no hocus-pocus this time." Vibe informs Kadabra who is struggling to get the cuffs off. "Hey, what's up with all your new toys?" He asks.

"A magician never reveals his secrets." Kadabra replies. "I see you've finally Mecha-Vibe."

"Mecha-Vibe?" Vibe asks in confusion about the new name. "I know he did not just name me." He exclaims in disbelief to Flash.

"Oh, I know more than just your name

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

"Oh, I know more than just your name. I've seen your future." Kadabra states.

"It's over. You've lost." Flash reminds him.

Running Home to You-3जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें