No Emotions

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3rd Person's POV

Cisco and Barry head to one of the last Black Hole sights, waiting for Eva to make her entrance, and she does not disappoint as she's ready to take down Carver's men. "That doesn't belong to you." Eva tells them, and they aim their weapons at her. "Then again, it never belonged to my husband either. It was my reflective chip technology that was twisted to create that weapon, so it's mine to wield or destroy. Now step aside." Eva blasts them with her cannon, and they take off running.

"You were right." Cisco tells Barry as they wait for the perfect moment. "Eva's here, and she's amped."

"How do you like your phantom now, Joseph?" Eva taunts her late husband.

"Not the day for us to be short-staffed and Anna to be preggers." Cisco comments.

"Thanks for that, Cisco." Anna tells him, annoyed over the comms.

"You know you're my girl, but I would love you to be here able to kick some mirror ass."

"Actually, we're good." Barry chimes in. "I called in a little bit of extra muscle." Eva aims her cannon, ready to destroy her technology, but an ice blast hits her from the back. She looks over her shoulder, finding Frost.

"Sup. Nice outfit, by the way." Frost taunts her.

"Why are you here?" Eva asks.

"You know, for funsies." Eva uses her cannon to blast Frost, but Frost's ice blast blocks her attack.

"Looks like someone's back to 100%." Cisco exclaims with joy. "Long live the snow queen."

"Eva's faster than me. Frost is going to distract her while I run by with the Tachyon Enhancer and collect the particles we need." Barry explains.

"We might only get one shot at this."

"You both need to make this count and then get the hell out of there." Ann tells them. Frost sends more blasts at Eva, who tries to block them, allowing Barry to speed around her, collecting the mirror particles. He speeds back to Cisco, and the device is fully charged. Frost takes cover behind some boxes, but Eva easily blasts through them, sending her flying.

"Flash!" Cisco gets Barry's attention.

"What's happening?" Anna asks. Barry is about to run and save Frost, but his speed of thinking takes over. The probability of the device being destroyed is too high, so he stays put.

"Barry, help her!" Cisco pleads with Barry.

"Is Frost okay?" Anna asks, concerned on why nothing is happening like they planned. Barry does nothing as Eva hits Frost in the shoulder. Cisco starts firing at Eva, and Barry does nothing.

"Cisco? Barry? What's happening? Is Frost okay?" No one answers Anna as Cisco is trying to stop Eva, but she's able to slip away.

"Frost." Cisco rushes to Frost's side. Barry looks at them emotionless. Cisco glares at his friend in anger. "You let her get hit."

"Whatever Eva hit Frost with, it's light-based." Anna informs Cisco and Barry as she takes over Frost's medical care once they safely make it back to the lab.

"What does that mean?" Cisco asks with worry.

"Her healing's trying to compensate, but it's not enough." Anna looks at Cisco, defeated. "I can't fix this without Caitlin." Barry speeds around and then holds a vial in his hands, ready to administer it to Frost.

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