Baby Fever

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I love reading your comments from the previous chapters. Enjoy this new update.

3rd Person's P.O.V.

"ANNA!" Everyone shouts as they realize their friend has gone into labor.

"Guys, I'm fine." Anna assures the team, but everyone is rushing her into the medical bay.

"Girl, your water broke, and the world is ending. You are not fine." Cisco argues.

"Dude!" Barry scolds Cisco.

"Okay, everyone, I'm going to do an exam on Anna, so everyone out." Caitlin orders and the team scatters, allowing them privacy.

"Caitlin, I'm telling you I'm fine. I'm not even having contractions." Anna assures her as she tries to get up, but Caitlin shakes her head.

"Let me examine you, and then we can see how to proceed from here." Caitlin did her exam and noticed Anna's heart rate was elevated. No one had really asked Barry and Anna recently how they were feeling about becoming parents to a baby. Everyone has been so preoccupied with Eva and her mirror duplicates that Anna and Barry becoming parents had been put on the back burner. "How are you feeling?"

"Fine." Anna lies down, and Caitlin gives her a look. "If I say how I honestly feel right now, Cait, I'm not going to make it through the night." Anna shares.

"Well, you're 6 cm dilated." Caitlin tells her.

"Thanks, Cait." Anna sits up fully.

"What are you doing?"

"We have to stop Eva."

"Anna, you're in labor."

"Which can last hours. Hours that we don't have time to waste. We need to stop Eva, and we need all hands on deck."

"Anna, that's..."

"The medical bay is right next to the lab. I will be fine." Anna assures Caitlin.

"Well, you need to keep all of your monitors on and alert me if your contractions increase." Caitlin orders.

"Yes, can we please go back to the team?"


"Cait, I'm not going to do anything that will endanger myself or my baby." Anna assures her.

"Anna, what are..." Anna holds her hand up.

"I know you are all worried, but let me assure you everything is okay. I am in labor and being monitored by Caitlin, and when the time comes for me to deliver this baby, I will. But right now, we have to focus on stopping Eva."

"Are you sure?" Barry asks.

"She can't hurt anyone else like she's hurt us." Anna tells him. "I can't bring this child into this world knowing I could have done something to stop Eva." Barry takes Anna's hand and squeezes it.

"What's the E.T.A. on the energy coupling reroute?" Anna asks.

"Energy cycle is rerouted." Cisco answers.

"And fusion sphere completely remapped." Wells adds. "I have to say, is this how you guys operate?" He asks the group, and they all look at him wide-eyed. "Because that much contract with that much-unrefined power,  this is a huge gamble. Mr. Allen and Mrs. Wayne-Allen, if you're wrong about Damian, every atom in Mr. Allen's body will be split into two." He cautions them.

"Mother." Anna's heart skips a beat, hearing Damian's voice as he walks into the Speed Lab and heads straight to the fusion sphere. He places both hands on either side. "The world needs The Flash." Damian mutters. Barry and Anna share a look.

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